Mr Silla
Mr. Silla kemur fram í Mengi fimmtudagskvöldið 4. janúar kl. 21
Miðaverð er 2.500 kr.
Hægt er að bóka miða á eða kaupa þá við hurð frá kl. 20:30 á tónleikakvöldi.
Mr. Silla er sóló verkefni tónlistarkonunar Sigurlaugar Gísladóttur sem tónlistaráhugafólk þekkir úr hljómsveitunum MÚM, Low Roar og Mice Parade. Árið 2015 gaf Sigurlaug út sína fyrstu breiðskífu undir nafni Mr. Silla og hefur hún hlotið einróma lof gagnrýnenda og hlaut m.a. tónlistarverðlaun Kraums. Mr. Silla býr nú og starfar í Berlín en er stödd hér á landi og byrjar dagskrá ársins hressilega í Mengi. Á þessum tónleikum ætlar hún að spila glænýtt efni sem hún hefur unnið í upp á síðkastið og frumflytur fyrir okkur í Mengi.
Mynd: Luca Venter
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Mr. Silla's band is in Reykjavík right now.
They'll perform in Mengi on Thursday night at 9 p.m.
Tickets are 2.500 kr. (bought at the door or reserved through
Emerging from her involvement with influential bands such as múm and Mice parade,
Sigurlaug Gísladóttir, aka Mr. Silla, has blossomed into a creative force of reckoning.
Matched only by a truly honest and evocative stage presence, the musically transcendent ebb and flow of Mr. Silla is as breathtaking as it is life giving. Hence, the often ethereal sonic landscapes explored on her self-titled debut album, released on 12 tónar. Now, after many a Berlin day spent gathering her arsenal of inspired moments, Mr. Silla has new tracks and a new vision set to unveil in early 2018. Even more proof of what the creative hatchery of Iceland has to offer
It's been nearly two years, hundreds of shows, and millions of plays since the release of her self-titled, debut album, Mr. Silla. Now many a Berlin day spent gathering her arsenal of inspired moments has seen her bloom into quite the creative force of reckoning. New tracks, and a new vision give upward momentum to this already enigmatic performer, and will assuredly leave Mr. Silla fans wanting more.
Photo credits: Luca Venter