Laura Leif

Laura Leif spilar í Mengi þriðjudagskvöldið 9. janúar ásamt Ragnari Helga Ólafssyni og Kristjáni Frey Halldórssyni.

Leif hefur áður komið fram í Mengi með íslensk-kanadísku hljómsveitinni Embassy Lights skipaðri Samönthu Savage Smith, Benna Hemm Hemm, Woodpigeon og Prins Póló. En kemur nú fram undir eigin nafni með þjóðleg, skopleg og skrýtin lög sem hún semur sjálf og leikur undir á ukulele. Hugljúft og hressandi þriðjudagkvöld framundan.

Húsið opnar kl. 20:30. Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 21.
Miðaverð er 2.000 krónur

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A wild dog chasing the sun!
L.T.Leif's lo-fi freak folk is strung with longing, slow-motion micro-jokes, and a desire that is some kind of infinite tenderness mixed with the soil and the dirt. Here she plucks ukulele and sings: golden, full-throated, rough-edged."The kind of artist that can stop a day in its tracks, pull it apart, and transport the listener somewhere else entirely", says Gold Flake Paint.

Leif's admirers include K Records maestro Calvin Johnson, who picked her for a compilation and tour presented by The Believer Magazine, and Canadian indie veteran Woodpigeon, who recruited her for EMBASSYLIGHTS—an international pop collaboration also featuring members of Prins Póló and Benni Hemm Hemm.

The performance at Mengi will include two buds from EMBASSYLIGHTS: Kristján Freyr and Ragnar Helgi Olafsson. What will it be! Nobody knows, but the band sure is happy to share it with each other and you. So maybe see you there! For something heartfelt, in-the-moment, and possibly strange.

Leif is from the Prairies of Canada and currently lives in Helsinki, Finland. Hear her latest work at

Doors opens at 8:30 pm. The concert starts at 9 pm.
Tickets are 2.000 krónur.