Föstudagurinn þrettándi: Michalis Moschoutis & Ingi Garðar
Michalis Moschoutis & Ingi Garðar Erlendsson leiða saman hesta sína föstudagskvöldið 13. janúar 2017 í Mengi.
Tónlistarmaðurinn knái Ingi Garðar Erlendsson er gestum Mengis að góðu kunnur og hefur margsinnis komið fram einn síns liðs og með öðrum tónlistarmönnum þar sem hann spilar á básúnu og þránófón en Ingi Garðar er óumdeilanlega fremsti þránófónleikari í heimi, hvorki meira né minna.
Michalis Moschoutis er grískur tónlistarmaður, búsettur í Aþenu. Hann er tónskáld og gítarleikari, útgefandi og stjórnandi listahátíða og vinnur meðal annars að því um þessar mundir að undirbúa ásamt Ilan Volkov, fyrrum aðalhljómsveitarstjóra Sinfóníuhljómsveitar Íslands, Tectonics-hátíð sem haldin verður í Aþenu.
Nýjasta plata Moschoutis er Nylon. Þar kannar hann á róttækan og frjóan hátt hljóðræna möguleika akústíska gítarsins og umbreytir honum í magnaða og ágenga hávaðavél.
Héðan heldur Michalis Moschoutis til Lundúna þar sem hann kemur fram á hinum rómaða tónleikastað Café Oto.
Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21. Miðaverð: 2000 krónur.
Umsagnir um M. M.
“Michalis Moschoutis’s guitar is wild, it is a brute force, a mass of sound… ” Kasper T. Toeplitz
“In the truest sense of the word: disturbingly impressive….”freiStil magazine
“Moschoutis’ approach isn’t careful or delicate, it almost sounds like he wants to destroy the guitar and the strings, but no doubt he embraces and loves his instrument and shows us this in quite a remarkable way. If you like Bill Orcutt, then search also for Michalis Moschoutis. An excellent debut record." Frans de Waard” – Vital Weekly
“The virtuosity with which he plays the instrument is extremely enjoyable. He lets the instrument roar, scream, cry softly, whisper and more.” Peter De Koning – Dark Entries
“The music of Michalis Moschoutis is powerful. Its intensity makes you jump out from the duvet directly down to the parquet floor.” Sebastian Hinz – hhv mag
“…opens up new, exciting, perspectives that could change our perception of the acoustic guitar.” SQ WW
A concert with musicians Ingi Garðar Erlendsson (IS) & Michalis Moschoutis (GR).
Starts at 9pm. Tickets: 2000 ISK
Ingi Garðar Erlendsson (b. 1980) studied composition with the composers Yannis Kyriakides and Gilius van Bergeijk at the Royal Conservatory in Den Haag, from 2007-2009. His works have been performed at various places on various occasions worldwide.
Ingi Garðar is a member of the composers collective S.L.Á.T.U.R (Society of artistically obtrusive composers around Reykjavík) and performs with groups such as Hestbak, Borko, Fengjastrútur, Benni Hemm Hemm, Skeylja, Valdimar, Kippi Kanínus, Stórsveit Nix Noltes and many more.
Michalis Moschoutis is a musician, primarily guitarist and composer, based in Athens. His work focuses on the materiality of sound and the physicality of live music. His freely improvised performances find him strumming, bowing and wildly plucking the loosened strings of his nylon-string guitar. Moschoutis’s latest solo album “Nylon”, presents a radical exploration of the sonic possibilities of a classical guitar. “Crease”, his duo release with inside-piano player Danae Stefanou, will be out on cassette by Coherent States at the beginning of 2017.
Moschoutis also runs Holotype Editions record label and curates INMUTE festival, which opens up shared spaces between cinema, sound art and experimental music. He is currently co-curating together with the acclaimed conductor Ilan Volkov the upcoming edition of Tectonics in Athens.
“Michalis Moschoutis’s guitar is wild, it is a brute force, a mass of sound… ” Kasper T. Toeplitz
“In the truest sense of the word: disturbingly impressive….”freiStil magazine
“Moschoutis’ approach isn’t careful or delicate, it almost sounds like he wants to destroy the guitar and the strings, but no doubt he embraces and loves his instrument and shows us this in quite a remarkable way. If you like Bill Orcutt, then search also for Michalis Moschoutis. An excellent debut record. Frans de Waard” – Vital Weekly
“The virtuosity with which he plays the instrument is extremely enjoyable. He lets the instrument roar, scream, cry softly, whisper and more.” Peter De Koning – Dark Entries
“The music of Michalis Moschoutis is powerful. Its intensity makes you jump out from the duvet directly down to the parquet floor.” Sebastian Hinz – hhv mag
“…opens up new, exciting, perspectives that could change our perception of the acoustic guitar.” SQ WW