
 Open scores: John Cage, Earle Brown & more / Ímyndað landslag

Flutist Rachel Beetz and percussionist Dustin Donahue present a program of creative realizations of open scores. All the works on this program demand the creative (and occasionally spontaneous) input of the performers. Rachel and Dustin explore graphic scores by Earle Brown and the indeterminate works of John Cage alongside a new work by Los Angeles composer Scott Worthington. Rachel Beetz will also premiere a work that draws upon the movement of the stars observed in Ólafsfjörður this winter.

House opens at 8pm. Concert starts at 9pm

Tickets: 2000 ISK


John Cage: 0’00” (1962)

John Cage: Imaginary Landscape No. 5 (1952)

Earle Brown: from Folio (1952-54)

-Four Systems for Vibraphone and Sine Tones

-November 1952

-Four Systems for Amplified Cymbals

-December 1952

Scott Worthington: A Time That Is Also A Place (2015)

John Cage: Cartridge Music (1960)

-Solo for Cymbal with

-Where are we going? What are we doing?

Rachel Beetz: The Winter Stars - December 11, 2015 (2016)

John Cage: Ryoanji (1985)

with Berglind Maria Tómasdóttir, flute

"It's not a physical landscape. It's a term reserved for the new technologies. It's a landscape in the future. It's as though you used technology to take you off the ground and go like Alice through the looking glass." John Cage



Bandarísku tónlistarmennirnir Rachel Beetz og Dustin Donahue flytja efnisskrá sem spannar rúma sex áratugi, frá miðri 20. öld til okkar tíma. Eftir bandarísku tónskáldin John Cage (1912-1992) og Earle Brown (1926-2002) hljóma nokkur af lykilverkum tónskáldanna sem hafa aldrei verið flutt áður á Íslandi, eftir því sem best verður komist. Að auki hljóma ný verk eftir Scott Worthington og Rachel Beetz en verk hennar, sem verður frumflutt á tónleikunum, byggir á teikningu af stjörnubjörtum næturhimni yfir Ólafsfirði þar sem tónlistarmennirnir Beetz og Donahue hafa dvalið undanfarna mánuði.

Verkin á tónleikunum eiga það öll sammerkt að vera mjög opin fyrir ólíkum túlkunarleiðum og flutningsmáta en bæði Cage og Brown voru frumkvöðlar á sviði opinnar nótnaskriftar þar sem flytjandinn fær mikið rými til sköpunar og leikgleði þegar kemur að túlkun tónverkanna. Báðir tilheyra þeir hinum svokallaða New York skóla í 20. aldar tónlist ásamt þeim Morton Feldman, David Tudor og Christian Wolff en samneyti tónlistarmannanna við New York skólann í myndlist ýtti undir frjótt samtal á báða vegu; myndlistarmenn á borð við Franz Kline, Jackson Pollock, Robert Rauschenberg og Mark Rothko svo einhverjir séu nefndir.

Alls kyns slagverk og flautur koma við sögu á tónleikunum, uppmögnuð og ómögnuð, en auk þeirra Beetz og Donahue mun Berglind María Tómasdóttir, flautuleikari, taka þátt í flutningi verksins Ryoanji eftir Cage.

Fjórða tónskáldið á tónskáldunum er svo kontrabassaleikarinn og tónskáldið Scott Worthington en eftir hann flytur Rachel Beetz verkið A Time That Is Also A Place fyrir flautueinleik og tvær hljóðrásir. Scott Worthington sendi á síðasta ári frá sér plötuna Prism sem hefur vakið mikla eftirtekt og rataði inn á lista margra helstu tónlistargagnrýnenda Bandaríkjanna yfir athyglisverðustu plötur ársins 2015.


John Cage: 0’00” (1962)

Rachel Beetz og Dustin Donahue

John Cage: Imaginary Landscape No. 5 (1952)

fyrir 42 hljóðrásir

Earle Brown: from Folio (1952-54)

-Four Systems fyrir víbrafón og sínustóna

-November 1952

-Four Systems for Amplified Cymbals

-December 1952

Rachel Beetz og Dustin Donahue

Scott Worthington: A Time That Is Also A Place (2015)

Rachel Beetz

John Cage: Cartridge Music (1960)

-Solo for Cymbal with

-Where are we going? What are we doing?

Dustin Donahue

Rachel Beetz: The Winter Stars - December 11, 2015 (2016)

Rachel Beetz og Dustin Donahue

John Cage: Ryoanji (1985)

Rachel Beetz og Dustin Donahue með Berglindi Maríu Tómasdóttur, flautuleikara





Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21.

Miðaverð: 2000 krónur.


Flutist Rachel Beetz performs music of the last century, creating a dialogue between avant-garde music and modern life. Rachel has been a featured artist in the XI Festival Internacional de Músiva Nueva in Monterrey, Mexico, the American Music Festival at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, the Ojai Music Festival in California, Los Angeles’ Monday Evening Concert Series, New England Conservatory's Summer Institute for Contemporary Performance Practice in Boston, MA, the SoundSCAPE Music Festival in Maccagno, Italy, and a guest artist/lecturer at Santa Clara University. She is also an affiliated artist of San Diego New Music and frequently appears on the wasteLAnd concert series in Los Angeles. Currently, Rachel is half of Plus/Minus, a flute and percussion duo with Dustin Donahue. She is also a co-founder of the performance art project Autoduplicity with cellist Jennifer Bewerse. In the winter of 2015/16, Rachel received the Skammdegi Air Award from Listhus Artspace in Ólafsfjörður, Iceland. For three months, she will create a sound installation and light mobile based on the night sky of the darkest days of the year. This sound installation will premiere at UC San Diego's Experimental Theater March 7-9, 2016. You can find more information about her at www.rachelbeetzflute.com and listen to her recent recording projects at www.soundcloud.com/beetzflute.

Dustin Donahue is a percussionist residing in San Diego, California where he performs regularly with the percussion group red fish blue fish, the chamber group Ensemble et cetera, and Plus/Minus, a duo with flutist Rachel Beetz. He has performed alongside Dawn Upshaw, Eighth Blackbird, the Bang on a Can All-Stars, and appears frequently with the International Contemporary Ensemble. As a soloist, Dustin has been featured at the Carlsbad Music Festival, the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, and the John Cage Centennial Festival in Washington, D.C. He appears on several releases for Mode Records and Populist Records. A solo album presenting realizations of open scores by John Cage, Earle Brown, Morton Feldman, Sylvano Bussotti, and Karlheinz Stockhausen will be released in 2016. Many recent performances and recordings are freely available dustindonahue.bandcamp.com.

Berglind Tómasdóttir is a composer and performer living in Reykjavík, Iceland. Berglind has worked with elements of video art, theater and music through various performances and projects in which she frequently explores identity and archetypes, as well as music as a social phenomenon.

An advocate of new music, Berglind has worked with composers such as Anna Thorvaldsdottir, Evan Ziporyn, Nicholas Deyoe, Clinton McCallum and Carolyn Chen, and received commissions from The Dark Music Days Festival and The National Flute Association. Her work has been featured at Reykjavík Arts Festival, MSPS New Music Festival in Shreveport, Louisiana, The 2013 National Flute Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, REDCAT (Los Angeles), CMMAS in Morelia, Mexico and at the Bang on a Can Marathon in San Francisco to name a few.

Berglind Tómasdóttir holds degrees in flute playing from Reykjavik College of Music and The Royal Danish Music Conservatory in Copenhagen and a DMA in contemporary music performance from University of California, San Diego.

Berglind is an adjunct at the Iceland Academy of the Arts.