Ingibjörg Turchi & vinir
Þann 24.janúar næstkomandi, kl. 21 stígur Ingibjörg Elsa Turchi á stokk í Mengi ásamt hljómsveit sinni. Leikin verða lög af fyrstu EP plötu Ingibjargar, Wood/Work í bland við lög samin á staðnum. Miðaverð 2.000 krónur.
Ingibjörg ætti að vera tónlistarunnendum vel kunn en hún er tónlistarkona og lagahöfundur sem er þó þekktust fyrir leik sinn á bassa. Ingibjörg fer yfir mörk og mæri og spilar popp og tilraunatónlist, plokkar gígjuna með Soffíu Björgu og Teiti, liðsinnir neðanjarðartónlistarmönnum eins og Special K og Indriða og kemur fram á böllum með Stuðmönnum og Boogie Trouble. Svo fátt eitt sé nefnt.
Frumraun hennar undir eigin nafni, EP platan Wood/Work kom út haustið 2017 og hlaut glimrandi dóma. Tónlist Ingibjargar er heillandi og fléttar áreynslulaust saman laglínur og hljóð með þar sem bassar, gítarar og rafhljóð leika sér saman.
Með henni verða hin frábæru: Hróðmar Sigurðsson, Magnús Trygvason Eliassen, Tumi Árnason og Guðrún Veturliðadóttir.
Þau spiluðu á síðustu Iceland Airwaves-hátíð og má lesa nokkra hápunkta hér:
“I did manage to move my way up to the front finally to watch Ingibjörg Turchi and her band create luscious, hypnotizing soundscapes defying the boundaries of genre and raising the bar on musicianship.” RB Reykjavik Grapevine
[...]Ingibjörg played the bass and did so in a splendid way. Her band was incredibly tight and the drummer was exceptional. The music was well conceived, and both accessible and experimental. VG Reykjavik Grapevine
[...]Ingibjörg Turchi’s virtuosic ensemble played a set of warm, charming instrumental music that hovered between jazz, post-rock, formal composition and improvisation. It was free-flowing and hypnotic, from Ingibjörg’s finger-picked bass melodies, to Magnús Elías Trygvason’s startling and creative approach to percussion (how does his mind see all those spaces for sounds?), to Tumi Árnason’s sparing and sometimes soaring saxophone passages. The band were so engaged in their performance that when the rapturous applause finally came, they looked almost surprised, like they’d drifted off into a collective trance and had been snapped back into reality. JR Reykjavik Grapevine
On January 24th at 9 pm Ingibjörg Elsa Turchi and band will perform songs off her debut EP, Wood/Work combined with new musical experiments. Ticket price: 2000 ISK.
Ingibjörg Elsa Turchi is a multidisciplinary musician and songwriter primarily known for her skills on the electric bass. Her performance as a bass player within the Icelandic music scene in recent years has not gone unnoticed and has gained her critical acclaim.
In recent years she has performed with several well known Icelandic musicians and She currently performs with Icelandic legends Stuðmenn, folk artists Teitur and Soffía Björg to nme a few.
Ingibjörg digitally released her debut solo EP, Wood/Work in the fall of 2017. Her music adds a fresh take to the ambient genre, seamlessly weaving together melodic instrumentals and very slight electronic effects.
Doors 20:30 - Show Starts 21:00 - Tickets 2000kr