Nicolas Kunysz / MMD off venue
Hljóðinnsetning belgíska listamannsins Nicolas Kunysz í Mengi föstudaginn 27. janúar. Frá klukkan 14 til 22.
Aðgangur ókeypis.
Innsetningin er hluti af tónlistarhátíðinni Myrkir músíkdagar sem verður sett fimmtudaginn 26. janúar nk.
Belgíski listamaðurinn Nicolas Kunysz er búsettur í Reykjavík og starfar sem hönnuður, tónlistarmaður og listrænn stjórnandi. Hann er einn af stofnendum útgáfunnar Lady Boy Records - stjórnar Lowercase Nights og er meðlimur í sveitinni Pyrodulia.
Heillandi, sveimkenndur hljóðheimur Nicolas fléttast úr vettvangshljóðritunum héðan og þaðan, rafhljóðum, ólíkum hljóðfærum, þetta er margradda og þéttofinn hljóðvefur sem spannar mikla breidd, lágtíðni og fíngerð blæbrigði, ærandi drunur og allt þar á milli.
A sound installation with Belgian artist Nicolas Kunysz.
From 2pm - 10pm.
Free entrance.
Belgian artist, producer and designer based in Reykjavik since 2009. Co founder of Lady Boy Records and founder of the Lowercase Nights and member of Pyrodulia.
He performs music that gather elements of warm ambient drone, experimental, process and discreet music. He combines lo and hi fi techniques to create his soundscapes, accidental recordings and glitches participate to the multi layering process of making his tracks.
"Using an array of hardware and treated instruments, Nicolas Kunysz deals in textures that start off being as delicate and fragile, almost to the point that they will dissipate if you stare at them too much. As time ebbs and flows along, the glistening and throbbing sounds loop, twist and pile upon each other, giving them an increased strength and rigor. the overall tone is one of melancholia and a beautiful desolation, mirroring the bleakness and inhuman abstraction of Kunysz's adopted home of Iceland. As such his work is reminiscent of the early releases of artists such as Ben Frost and Tim Hecker in their attempts to provide music that brings out an affect of longing and sorrow." Bob Cluness.