
 Alan Courtis


Alan Courtis, öðru nafni Anla Courtis, fæddist í Buenos Aires árið 1972. Hann hefur meðal annars unnið á sviði hljóðlistar, drón-, hávaða- og spunatónlistar og tónsmíða. Hann hefur spilað inn á yfir 300 plötur, bæði einn og með öðrum. Þar á meðal Pauline Oliveros, Phill Niblock, Lee Ranaldo, Jim O’Rourke, BJ Nielsen, Otomo Yoshihide, Stilluppsteypu og Mats Gustafsson.

Tónlist hans er oftast nær tilraunakennd og einkennist af fyrirfram hljóðrituðum lagbútum, afskræmingu snældna, úrvinnslu umhverfishljóða, hljóðgervlum og ýmsum undarlegum hljóðfærum sem hann hefur sjálfur útbúið

Hér má sjá og heyra meira um Alan Courtis:




Alan Courtis er boðið til Íslands af listahátíðinni List án landamæra



Húsið opnar kl. 20. Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 21 og miðaverð er 2.000 krónur.


Alan Courtis (aka Anla Courtis) was born in Buenos Aires in 1972. He has been working in the field of sound-art, electro-acoustic music, drone, noise, improvisation and composition.

He has more than 300 solo releases and collaborations and has collaborated with musicians like Pauline Oliveros, Phill Niblock, Keiji Haino, Lee Ranaldo, Jim O’Rourke, BJ Nilsen, Otomo Yoshihide, Stilluppsteypa and Mats Gustafsson.

His music always has strong experimental sense and usually based on high-skilled techniques of prepared sound, tape manipulations, processing of field recordings, live electronics, objects, cymbals, synthesizers, computer tools, playing traditional (both acoustic and electric) instruments as well as self-built, strange and unusual instruments (eg. unstringed guitar).

In cooperation with Art without Borders (http://listin.is/)

“…one of the most active musical minds around” THE WIRE (UK)

“ a composer with an insatiable thirst for experimentation and different forms of expression” TOKAFI ( Germany )

“Courtis has produced brillant work with the relative primitive tools at his disposal” THE WIRE (UK)




Alan Courtis has been invited to Iceland by the arts festival Art Without Borders



House opens at 8pm. Concert starts at 9pm.

Tickets: 2000 ISK