Ben Frost | Widening Gyre
Ben Frost
kemur fram í fyrsta sinn í Mengi næstkomandi föstudag.
Takmarkað sætaframboð er á þessa einstöku tónleika.
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Widening Gyre er tónleikaútgáfa plötunnar The Centre Cannot Hold sem kom út árið 2017. Þá hefur Ben hannað hljóðrýmið eins og unnið var að plötunni í stúdíói. Áhorfandinn situr inni í miðri hringiðu fjölpunkta hljóðumhverfis sem skilar sér í áhrifamikilli upplifun sem örvar skilningarvitin.
Ástralinn og Íslendingurinn Ben Frost hefur búið hér og starfað frá aldamótum. Hann er stofnandi útgáfufyrirtækisins Bedroom Community ásamt upptökustjóranum og tónskáldinu Valgeiri Sigurðssyni. Hann hefur gefið út plötur hjá Room40, Mute Records sem og Bedroom Community og hafa þær allar vakið mikla athygli og gagnrýnendur hlaðið þær lofi. Frost starfaði sem lærlingur breska upptökustjórans og frumkvöðulsins Brians Eno í eitt ár í kjölfar Rolex Arts viðurkenningar sem hann hlaut árið 2010. Frost hefur samið tónlist fyrir ýmsar kvikmyndir, þýsku Netflix þættina Dark og bresku sjónvarpsseríuna Fortitude sem tekin var upp á Íslandi.
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A very special one-off show in Mengi with Ben Frost on Friday, February 8th. Tickets can be purchased on
With Frost’s critically acclaimed 2017 Lp ‘The Centre Cannot Hold’ as a departure point, Widening Gyre combines the unique studio approach of the album into a new live performance concept: a powerful and highly volatile multi-point sound environment performed in the round.
Created during residency at ZKM Karlsruhe - Synthesis, analogue tape and live guitars are all fed in real-time through an array of digital objects which relentlessly push and pull against one another in a new kaleidoscope of sonic ecology.
“Frost’s first distinctly American record, a frightening, prophetic portrait that commands undivided attention” - Pitchfork
Ben Frost
Born in Melbourne Australia, Composer, Producer and Sound Artist Ben Frost has lived and worked in Reykjavik since the early 2000’s. His studio albums include Theory of Machines (2007), By The Throat (2009), A U R O R A (2014) and The Centre Cannot Hold (2017). His work spans an array of forms including installations, live performance, scores for dance, theatre, and studio collaborations. Frost was mentored by Brian Eno in the 2010−2011 Rolex Arts Initiative. He has composed several scores for film including the Palme d’Or nominated Sleeping Beauty, and television series’ Fortitude and the Netflix drama DARK.
In recent years Frost has collaborated extensively with the Irish conceptual documentary artist Richard Mosse, producing the award-winning multi-channel video and sound installations: The Enclave (2013) and Incoming (2017). Frost’s 2013 Opera and directorial debut, The Wasp Factory, was performed to capacity audiences at London’s Royal Opera House. Currently he is developing a stage adaptation of J.A Baker’s novel The Peregrine.