
 Útgáfutónleikar oqko / oqko release night


Tónleikar á vegum hinnar splunkunýju oqko útgáfu sem gerir út frá Berlín og gefur út tónlist, mynd- og vídeólist í alls kyns formi.

Þriðja útgáfa fyrirtækisins nefnist Shortcuts og hefur að geyma fimmtán hljóðverk eftir mexíkóska listamanninn Lvis Mejía. Við hvert hljóðverk voru fimmtán listamenn, víðs vegar að úr heiminum, fengnir til að gera myndbandsverk. Þessi einstæða útgáfa hefur því að geyma hvort tveggja hljóðmyndir og myndsbandsverk en á tónleikunum í Mengi verður verkið, 30 mínútna langt, sýnt í heild sinni. Áður hefur það verið sýnt í Osaka í Mexíkó, Montréal í Kanda, São Paulo í Brasilíu og í Berlín, Oxford og New York.

Auk verksins Shortcuts verða flutt verkin Æon eftir Lvis Mejía, hljóðinnsetning eftir DEKJ (Hugo Esquinca frá Mexikó)

verk eftir franska listamanninn smog (Paolo Combes) og verkið Stjórn - onomatopoeia eftir tónlistarmanninn Ástvald Axel Þórisson, Síðastnefnda verkið byggir Ástvaldur alfarið á upptökum frá Alþingi frá undanförnum 5 árum og ræðum íslenskra stjórnmálamanna. Þar veltir hann fyrir sér blæbrigðum og rytma í ræðustíl þeirra sem með valdið fara.

Við lofum spennandi kvöldstund í Mengi.

Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20. Viðburðurinn hefst klukkan 21.

Miðaverð: 2000 krónur.



The Berlin based label oqko was created in 2015 and defines itself as an interdisciplinary label for music and arts. Driven by the need to develop an identity, incubating a diversity of approaches between the club culture and fine arts. The vision of oqko focuses on promoting both organic and hybrid experimentation towards our time.

At Mengi four artists from the oqko label wil perform music and art, e.g. the fantastic Shortcuts by the Mexican artist Lvis Mejía, with fifteen sound-works by Mejía and fifteen video-works, created specifically to Mejía's art, by 15 artists from all over the world. Shortcuts was released by oqko last year and has previously been exhibited in Berlin, Osaka, Montréal, São Paulo, New York and Oxford.

Other pieces performed at Mengi will be by the Mexican DEKJ (Hugo Esquinca), thre French artist smog (Paolo Combes) and the piece Stjórn - onomatopoeia by the Icelandic musician Ástvaldur Axel Þórisson, a piece based on recordings from the Icelandic Parliament over the past five years.

House opens at 8pm. Event starts at 9pm.

Tickets: 2000 ISK.

More about the pieces performed at Mengi:

DEKJ functions as an ongoing project studying sound as the primary axis of actual dynamics, behaviour and instances. Considering the sonic and vibrational milieu as a representative for equality, balance, transgression, violation, that also affects physical composition and the notion of structured spaces. In this piece the concepts of physicality and fictional architecture are taken as premises, through a topological analysis of reverberation and resonance.

Æon is a selection of Lvis Mejía's acousmatic and modern classical pieces. Lvis Mejía is a interdisciplinary artist and musician. His oeuvre takes on multiple forms and expressions. A plane where minimum and complex coexist, an all-embracing art form. His work has been exhibited widely, both at home and abroad.

smog is a Parisian born, Berlin based artist focusing on sonic experimentation using electroacoustic methods combined with synthesis. For this piece he will stray away from his harsh and rhythmical influenced techno to present an abstraction, made up of ethereal soundscapes. Making the listener navigate somewhere between distorted metallic noise and flittering overtones.

Stjórn - onomatopoeia is a sample based piece based on control and the need for authority in modern societies presented by astvaldur. Raising questions about tonality and use of language of those in control. Utilising everything from articulations to harmonic content in order to create atmospheres and unorthodox rhythms. All material will be sampled from Alþingi, the Icelandic parliament, focusing on the most influential Icelandic politicians of the last 5 years. Ástvaldur Axel Þórisson is an Icelandic musician and a sound technician.