
 David Åhlén

Tónleikar með sænska tónlistarmanninum David Åhlén í Mengi fimmtudagskvöldið 2. mars klukkan 21. Með David kemur fram píanóleikarinn Andreaz Hedén.

Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:30. Miðaverð: 2000 krónur.

David Åhlén gaf út fyrstu plötu sína árið 2007, sjötommuskífuna Wasted Breaths. Þrjár plötur hafa fylgt í kjölfarið, We sprout in Thy Soil (2009), Selah (2013) og Hidden Light (2016). Á meðal listamanna sem David Åhlén hefur starfað með má nefna Timbre, Nicolai Dunger, Sofia Jernberg (Fire! Orchestra), Mariam Wallentin (Wildbirds & Peacedrums), Emil Svanängen (Loney Dear), Stefan Östersjö og Svante Henryson.

"David Åhléns music combines an indie pop sensibility with traces of the hymns he sung as child at the local Baptist church. “We sprout in Thy soil” embodies his minimal aesthetic, with stripped down Baroque string arrangements and Åhléns unadorned vocal style.” The Wire Magazine


A concert with the David Åhlén at Mengi on Thursday, March 2nd at 9pm. House opens at 8:30 pm. Tickets: 2000 ISK

The Swedish artist David Åhlén creates a peculiar hybrid of indie and hymn, sung with an inimitable voice. David released his 7” debut Wasted breaths in 2007 and has since then released three critically acclaimed albums: We sprout in Thy soil (2009), Selah (2013) and Hidden Light (2016) and collaborated with artists and musicians such as Timbre, Nicolai Dunger, Sofia Jernberg (Fire! Orchestra), Mariam Wallentin (Wildbirds & Peacedrums), Emil Svanängen (Loney Dear), Stefan Östersjö and Svante Henryson.

At Mengi David will perform together with the Swedish pianist Andreaz Hedén.

“it comes on like cold water — no ornaments. Just a straight shot of mood, of feeling, and when you really dig into it you can see that it’s not sparse.“ Obscure Sound

"Åhléns’s songs draw the listener into his own world, a quiet, peaceful and fragile one where time moves in a slower pace. His gentle, fragile voice and the minimalist-chamber arrangements intensify this contemplative vein, subjecting the listener to his haunting spiritual art." Salt peanuts

”I love the range of musical effects, every sound is so precise, and Åhlén's voice is spiritual and powerful.” Nordic Music Review

“Stunning in its tone and uniqueness” Silent Ballet

“David Åhléns music combines an indie pop sensibility with traces of the hymns he sung as child at the local Baptist church. “We sprout in Thy soil” embodies his minimal aesthetic, with stripped down Baroque string arrangements and Åhléns unadorned vocal style.” The Wire Magazine

“Put simply, his fragile voice is ineffably beautiful, and though the album is a mere twenty-six minutes in length, they’re some of the most soul-stirring twenty-six minutes you’ll hear in this or any other year.” Textura

“David Ahlen manages to convey the emotional sense of a spiritual world in a stripped down simplicity displaying a raw and unafraid voice.” Cyclic Defrost