Double Diamond Sun Body

Robbie Williamson, sem kýs að kalla sig Double Diamond Sun Body býður áheyrendum í kosmískt ferðalag. Eða öllu heldur ferðalag utan úr geimi og til jarðar þar sem veruleiki manna verður skoðaður frá sjónarhorni ójarðneskra gesta.

Hann sýnir sjö stuttmyndir sem eina heila og spilar sjálfur tónlist sína yfir myndirnar sem hafa verið sýndar víða um Bandaríkin og Evrópu.

Robbie lifir og starfar í Los Angeles og hefur í yfir áratug samið tónlist fyrir ýmsar kvikmyndir og framleitt sínar eigin. Hann stofnaði listasamsuðuna We Are The World með danshöfundinum Ryan Heffington.

DDSB er sem stendur á Evróputúr og kemur til með að klára síðustu tónleikana í Mengi á föstudaginn eftir að hafa komið fram m.a. í París, Berlín og Amsterdam hjá Red Light Radio.

Húsið opnar kl. 20:30. Miðaverð er 2.000 krónur.

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"Double Diamond Sun Body is the personified astral projection of its creator’s interior world; a physically manifested concept. That creator is the Los Angeles-based artist, filmmaker and musician Robbie Williamson. Williamson has worked scoring music for Hollywood films and series and has long worked as an experimental electronic producer."
- Forbes, 2016.

He spent his youth riding vert ramps in the Pacific Northwest, and playing bass and drums in punk rock bands.
He then spent over a decade scoring films for several major movie and television studios in Los Angeles,
as well as starting the performance group, We Are The World, with acclaimed choreographer, Ryan Heffington.

DDSB creates a new visual and audio language created specifically to address issues within the world’s current political landscape, religion, and the family.

Double Diamond Sun Body is currently on a European tour and has already performed in Denmark, England, Germany and Netherlands at the known Red Light Radio show in Amsterdam.

In Mengi, he will be performing/showing a series of seven short films that all blend one to the other as he scores them live.

This event will be otherworldly.
Doors at 20:30. Tickets 2.000 krónur.