Night Tales
(English below)
Night Tales
Þýski myndlistarmaðurinn Johannes Tassilo Walter og belgíski tónlistarmaðurinn Nicolas Kunysz leiða saman hesta sína í bókverka-hljóðinnsetningu í Mengi. Kynnt verður til sögunnar nýtt bókverk Johannesar Tassilo Walter, og flutt hljóðinnsetning sem Nicolas hefur gert af þessu tilefni. Bókverk Johannesar er gefið út af útgáfufyrirtækinu HAMMANN VON MIER ( sem sérhæfir sig í útgáfu myndlistarbóka.
Opnar klukkan 18 í Mengi.
Ókeypis aðgangur.
Book presentation and sound installation by Johannes Tassilo Walter & Nicolas Kunysz. Opens at 6pm. Free entry.
»Die Sonne war Nacht, the sun was night.«
Night does not bring darkness – light just disappears.
JOHANNES TASSILO WALTER reduces oil prints to two-color schemes depicting sceneries and objects, in which the compressed story of a culture is revealed: their shiny ascent and demise unto endless blackness –a real good-night story. Walter's paintings are illustrated by a text by P.S.THOR, who removes an imaginable part from the abstraction of endlessness, stuffs it with words and puts it on show. Abstract and concrete history are brought together in a combinative world concept on sheets of cardboard and bound together as a book.
Within the space of Mengi, the endless night continues.
In a sound installation with loops from NICOLAS KUNYSZ another dimension is synthesized as a third element of sound emerges from the concrete book form.
The book is published by HAMMANN VON MIER (
Sound by Nicolas Kunysz
Text by P.S. Thor
Visual art by Johannes Tassilo Walter