
 Gyda Valtysdottir

 will be alone with her cello on this intimate evening at Mengi, performing her own material as well as other composers from her previous records Epicycle & Evolution.

Gyða Valtýsdóttir is a polychromatic performer, trained and untamed classically. She started in her early teens as one of the founding members of the dream-pop group múm but left the band to pursue her studies. She found her way through the labyrinth of higher education, double mastering from Hochschule für Musik, Basel, where her main teachers were Thomas Demenga and Walter Fähndrich. She moves vividly between music realms, composing, performing and recording with various musician & artists such as Shahzad Ismaily, Josephine Foster, Kronos Quartet, Aaron & Bryce Dessner, Colin Stetson, Julian Sartorius, Skúli Sverrisson, Ólöf Arnalds, Jónsi, A Winged Victory for the Sullen, Guy Maddin, Ragnar Kjartansson, Damien Rice and many others.

Doors 20:30 - Show Starts 21:00 - Tickets 2500kr

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Gyða Valtýsdóttir kemur fram ein með sellói sínu á nánum tónleikum í Mengi. Hún mun flytja efni eftir sig sjálfa og önnur tónskáld af plötum sínum Epicycle & Evolution.

Gyða Valtýsdóttir er fjölhæf listakona, þjálfuð og ótamin í klassískri tónlist. Hún hóf feril sinn með hljómsveitinni múm en hætti í henni til þess að ljúka við nám, en hún hlaut tvöfalda meistaragráðu við Hochschule für Musik í Basel. Gyða kannar hinar ýmsu víddir tónlistarinnar og hefur komið fram og tekið upp með tónlistarfólki á borð við Shahzad Ismaily, Josephine Foster, Kronos Quartet, Aaron & Bryce Dessner, Colin Stetson, Julian Sartorius, Skúli Sverrisson, Ólöf Arnalds, Jónsi, A Winged Victory for the Sullen, Guy Maddin, Ragnar Kjartansson, Damien Rice and many others.

Húsið opnar 20:30 - tónleikar hefjast 21:00 - Miðaverð 2500kr