Opera - Trickster
(English below)
Frá því útvarpstæknin ruddi sér til rúms hefur útvarpið átt sér sinn fasta sess á heimilum um víða veröld. Rannsóknir hafa leitt í ljós að í gegnum söguna hefur stærstur hluti útvarpshlustenda verið konur sem voru bundnar yfir heimilisstörfum og barnauppeldi. Útvarpið varð gluggi þeirra út í veröldina.
OPERA er nýjasta verkefni TRICKSTER. Hópurinn leikur sér með fyrirbærin óperu, sápuóperu og útvarpsleikhús í verkinu og kannar hlutverk og hlutskipti kvenna í tengslum við þessa miðla. TRICKSTER frumsýnir fyrstu drög verksins í Mengi að lokinni vinnutörn í Reykjavík.
Sýningin í Mengi hefur að geyma nýtt efni sem fléttast saman við spuna sem tekur mið af rýminu sjálfu og í samtali við sýningu Or Type sem stendur yfir í Mengi dagana 10. - 13. mars á Hönnunarmars.
Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20. Viðburðurinn hefst klukkan 21.
Miðaverð: 2000 krónur.
Um Trickster:
Meðlimir Trickster eru listakonurnar Nina Boas, Barbara Ellison, Nathalie Smoor, Ieke Trinks og Marielle Verdijk sem hafa fjölbreyttan bakgrunn úr myndlist, gjörningum, hljóðlist, tónlist, og leikhúsi og flétta ólíkum miðlum saman í list sinni. Í verkum sínum vinna þær með ólíkar aðstæður og rými hverju sinni, verk þeirra eru því mjög frjáls og spunakennd þar sem hið óvænta fær að ráða för.
Á meðal eldri verka þeirra má nefna Trickster the Play (2015), Parasite Event (2014) og ON/OFF (2014).
Since the advent of radio technology, airwaves have penetrated many living rooms and especially kitchens all over the world. Studies have shown that historically the audience of radio consisted mainly of women. Often confined to their homes, women tuned in during daytime as a way to open up their window to the world..
OPERA is TRICKSTER's newest undertaking. Through playing as a starting point with the phenomenon and medium of opera, the soap and radio drama; the role of women in relation to such media will be playfully explored. TRICKSTER kickstarts OPERA with a short work-stay in Reykjavik to experiment and launch this as-yet-unknown performative project.
Our performance in Mengi shall therefore consist of new material intertwined with unexpected and unanticipated sparkles of site-specific improvisation!
House opens at 8pm. Performance starts at 9pm.
Tickets: 2000 ISK.
About Trickster:
Trickster is an ensemble consisting of five artists who, in addition to their individual practice, are experimenting as a collective with diverse conditions and 'instant performance'. With backgrounds in theater, music, art and scenography, they are researching the nature of emergent-form composition: an open structure in which the performers discover or create unique forms together.
To name a few of their performances: Trickster the Play (2015, Fuck you Friedrich, WORM, Rotterdam) is a complex play in which each Trickster member takes the role of their own stand-in; Parasite Event (2014, Festival Witte de With Kwartier, Rotterdam) uses the strategy of performing in other festival participants pieces such as exhibitions, gigs, talks or screenings; ON/OFF (2014, TEST extra: Tele li(f/v)e, Nutshuis, The Hague) explores being in the screen or outside the frame.
TRICKSTER (since 2008) is: Nina Boas (performance artist), Barbara Ellison (sound & visual artist), Nathalie Smoor (mime/actor), Ieke Trinks (performance artist), Marielle Verdijk (scenographer)