
Charles Ross & Katherine Wren

Fiðluleikarinn og tónskáldið Katherine Wren kemur fram ásamt Charles Ross í Mengi miðvikudaginn 27. mars. Charles Ross er búsettur á austurlandi, en hann hlaut doktorsgráðu í tónsmíðum við Háskólann í Glasgow. Katherine lærði tónlist við Háskólann í Manchester og Royal Northern tónlistarháskólann í Englandi. Hún er núverið meðlimur Konunglegu skosku sinfoníuhljómsveitarinnar. Það gleður hana að vera stödd á Íslandi og halda tónleika með Charles Ross, en tónleikarnir munu fyrst og fremst einkennast af spuna.

Hurð opnar 20:30 - Tónleikar hefjast 21:00 - Miðaverð 2.000


Katherine Wren and Charles Ross... Pieces and improvisations

Katherine Wren studied music at the University of Manchester and the Royal Northern College of Music in England. She is a currently a member of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra where, alongside orchestral playing, she has a passion for audience engagement and contemporary music. In September 2016 she formed Nordic Viola, a flexible ensemble performing and promoting music from the countries circling the North
Atlantic in conjunction with a 6-month project where she worked with other musicians and composers, including Kristian Blak in the Faroes, Charles Ross in Iceland, Greenlander Arnannguaq Gerstrøm, Shetland fiddler, Margaret Robertson and Orkney composer and flautist Gemma McGregor. Education is an important part of Katherine’s work and she also worked in music schools throughout the region.

Katherine is passionate about contemporary music and has commissioned several new works for Nordic Viola, including “AND” for solo viola by Lillie Harris as well as “Hrakningar” (inspired by geese migrating from Egilsstaðir to Scotland by Anna Appleby and “Ukioq” by Arnannguaq Gerstrøm, both
for flute, viola and bassoon. Nordic Viola performed these commissions as part of Sound Festival, Aberdeen in October 2018. Nordic Viola have also performed in the RSN Chamber Series and at the Arctic Circle Conference in Edinburgh.
Katherine also enjoys free improvisation and has worked with Charles Ross in Seyðisfjörður and with trombonist Dávur Juul Magnussen in one of the cave concerts in the Summartónar Festival 2018 in the Faroes. The full ensemble also played in the Nordic House, Tórshavn during Summartónar this year.
Katherine is delighted to be back in Iceland to improvise with Charles Ross in Mengi

You can find out more at


Charles Ross has for a long time been preoccupied with
under documented music and art histories. Be it the music
and art of Oceania, Art Brut, ancient chess games and
contemporary experimental music he tends to be preoccupied with hidden cultures. Through this interest he is all but embracing "the other" and "the strange". With such interests, where he lives it doesn't take much for himself to be considered strange.

Having grown up in the countryside of Scotland and having decided to spend most of his adult life in the countryside of East Iceland he is a natural inhabitant of rural places. His scores are strange art objects in and of themselves, looking like maps of the countryside or sailing paths in Oceania. Yet it all seems to have a function, like an ancient Persian chess game perhaps. He is interested in real-time composing and exploring HOW we produce music, create new musicalities and how musicians interpret them.

Charles has been a resident of East Iceland since 1986.
He studied compositon with Frank Denyer and briefly with Morton Feldman. He currently holds a Ph.D in music composition from University of Glasgow.

As an improviser he has performed with several improv ensembles including Ilan Volkov‘s band "Mines", "With Lumps" and the "Glasgow Improviser‘s orchestra". He has also performed with electric guitarist Fred Frith and fellow violist Katherine Wren. His works have been performed by members of the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra and the BBC Scottish Orchestra. Works have been broadcasted on RUV and BBC Radio 3.

Doors 20:30 - Show Starts 21:00 - Tickets 2000kr