
Ife Tolentino & Óskar Guðjónsson

Brasilíski söngvarinn og gítarleikarinn Ife Tolentino er staddur á Íslandi og kemur til með að leika með Óskari Guðjónssyni saxófónleikara í Mengi, mánudaginn 23. apríl.

Leiðir þeirra lágu saman í London er Óskar var búsettur þar. Eitt af markmiðum Óskars var að kynnast brazilískum gítarleikara og söngvara til að nema þá fögru list sem þetta einstaklega hjartalýja fólk hefur gefið umheiminum. Bossa Nova og Samba eru bara þekktustu stílar þessa margslungna tónlistarstíls sem Ife og Óskar munu leika. Það má segja að þetta hafi verið ást við fyrsta tón. Vinátta Ife og Óskars hefur gefið af sér geisladiskinn VOCÊ PASSOU AQUI.

Með orðum Ife „Í raun hófst þetta verkefni fyrir án okkar vitundar þegar ég hitti Óskar í fyrsta skipti í London. Það var eins og við hefðum spilað saman í mörg ár og að hann vissi allt um grúvið og sálina í brasilískri tónlist en þó þannig að hann bætti einhverju mjög sérstöku við hana. Tveim árum síðar var ég á Íslandi að spila með Óskari og fleiri íslenskum tónlistarmönnum. Tilfiningin varð ennþá sterkari. Ég hafði fundið nýja leið til að spila tónlistina sem ég elska.“

Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 - Miðverð er 2.500 kr.

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The Brazilian singer and guitar player Ife Tolentino is in Iceland to play with Óskar Guðjónsson saxophonist.

Their paths first crossed in London when Óskar was living there. One of Óskar´s goals was to get to know a Brazilian guitar player and singer to study the beautiful art which these wonderfully warm people have given the world. Bossa Nova and Samba are the two most well known of the complex styles of music which Ife and Óskar will be playing. One could say that this was love at first note. The cd VOCÊ PASSOU AQUI is the product of Ife and Óskars friendship.

VOCÊ PASSOU AQUI is the collaboration of the Brazilian composer Ife Tolentino and Óskar Guðjónsson. Ife has lived in London for years and is well known within the Brazilian music scene there. He was recently awarded for the record of the year in 2012 by the Brazilian International Press Awards which are given to those who have excelled in the promotion of Brazilian arts and culture. VOCÊ PASSOU AQUI has 12 songs, some by Ife and others are well known older songs, in traditional Brazilian Bossa Nova style similar to Joao Gilberto. Ife´s silky smooth voice and complete immersion in the music along with Óskar´s unique saxophone playing is guaranteed to move you.

In Ife´s words “This project actually started without us even realising it the first time I met Óskar in London. It was as if we had been playing together for years and he knew all about the groove and soul of Brazilian music yet in such a way that he added something very special to it. Two years later I was in Iceland playing with Óskar and other Icelandic musicians. The feeling grew even stronger. I had found a new way of playing the music that I love”.

Quote: “Our music has love, beauty, space and peace. Iceland to me is love, beauty, space and peace … and so is this record.! - Ife Tolentino

Doors at 20:30 - Entrance fee is 2.500 kr.