Shapes of Time + Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson
Shapes of Time
Oene van Geel - víóla
Mark Haanstra - bassi
Raphael Vanoli - gítar
Udo Prinsen - visúalar
sérstakur gestur
Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson - Trompet
Oene van Geel & Mark Haanstra hafa spilað saman í um 20 ár. Þeir spila fjölbreytta tónlist - allt frá djass yfir í klassík, indverska tónlist yfir í popp. Þessi fjölbreytileiki gerir tónlist þeirra einstaka og ná þeir miklum árangri með því að spilu einungis á víólu og bassa.
Þeir hafa þó einnig lagt mikið úr samstarfi með öðrum og unnið verk/bók með gítaristanum Raphael Vanoli & sjónlistamanninum Udo Prinsen sem kallast Shapes of time sem sameinar myndir og hljóð.
Tónleikarnir eru styrktir af Hollenska sendiráðinu.
Húsið opnar 8.30 | Miðaverð 2.000 krónur.
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Shapes of Time
Oene van Geel - viola
Mark Haanstra - bass
Raphael Vanoli - guitar
Udo Prinsen - visuals
special guest
Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson - trumpet
Oene van Geel and Mark Haanstra share a musical history of more than twenty years. Traversing eclectic musical genres - jazz to classical, Indian to pop music - has led them to a surprisingly original idiom. Equipped with only a viola and a bass guitar, they have achieved an equally surprising contrast, with what is essentially the smallest ‘band’ possible.
The duo started when they recorded three tracks in May 2016 for Oene van Geel's acclaimed solo album 'Sudoku.’ Dutch audiences immediately noticed and soon thereafter they were performing on major festivals and venues in the Netherlands.
There’s no hiding in a duo, and this unique instrumentation turned out to be the perfect vehicle to communicate with each other and their audiences, directly and intimately.
Their investigative and open attitude invites new collaborations. This became very clear in their new release ‘Shapes of Time.’ Together with visual artist Udo Prinsen and guitarist Raphael Vanoli, they’ve produced a gesamtkunstwerk, poetically combining images and sound. This special book/album didn’t go unnoticed: They’ve made many public radio and television appearances and received rave reviews from the press.
This performance is made possible with the support of the Netherlands Embassy.
Doors open at 8.30pm | Tickets are 2.000 krónur.