Richard Andersson SOLO
Einleikstónleikar með danska kontrabassaleikaranum Richard Andersson í Mengi.
Fimmtudagskvöldið 27. apríl klukkan 21
Miðaverð: 2500 krónur
Richard Andersson hélt sína fyrstu einleikstónleika í Mengi vorið 2015. Taugatrekkjandi viðurkennir hann núna; hvernig á líka einn klunnalegur kontrabassi að bæta einhverju við þá fegurð sem býr í þögninni?
Tónleikarnir heppnuðust engu að síður svo vel að nú, tveimur árum síðar, er Richard er mættur aftur einn síns liðs til leiks í Mengi. Þessi tilraun gæti endað með ósköpum. En ósköpin geta verið undurfalleg líka.
Richard Andersson (f. 1982) hefur verið virkur í norrænni spunatónlistarsenu um árabil og hefur sent frá sér sex plötur þar sem hann hefur starfað með stórum hópi virtra djass- og spunatónistarmanna; sú nýjasta er tríóplata með Óskari Guðjónssyni og Matthíasi Hemstock.
A solo concert with Richard Andersson
On Thursday, April 27th at 9pm
Tickets: 2500 ISK
Richard Andersson SOLO
It was a nerve-wracking experience for Danish bass-player Richard Andersson when he took on the heavy challenge of playing his first ever solo performance at Mengi in the spring of 2015.
Two years later he is ready to do it once more!
Silence is beautiful, silence is perfect. For one single person to overcome the perfection of silence only armed with a clumsy double bass is a relentless task…. -it could go terrible wrong. But wrong might be beautiful too.
Richard Andersson (b. Oct. 1982) is a Danish/Faroese/Icelandic bass player and composer based in Copenhagen where he is known as "one of the most interesting characters of the Danish jazz scene" (Iver Rod/Gaffa Music Magazine.).
Andersson grew up in a musical family but never showed much interest in music until the age of 14 when his life was turned upside down after a fireworks accident that cost him his sight.
Now, around 20 years later, Richard Andersson has gained great recognition for his work as a composer and bass player in the modern jazz field.