Lemur & Friends
Tónleikar með kammerhópnum Lemur í Mengi föstudagskvöldið 5. maí klukkan 21.
Miðaverð: 2500 krónur.
Spunahópurinn Lemur skipar sér tvímælalaust í röð áhugaverðustu kammerhópa Norðurlandanna nú um stundir.
Meðlimirnir fjórir eru tónskáldin og hljóðfæraleikararnir Bjørnar Habbestad (flautur), Hild Sofie Tafjord (franskt horn), Lene Grenager (selló) og Michael Duch (kontrabassi) sem öll hafa komið víða við í tónlist okkar tíma og starfað með tónlistarfólki á borð við Otomo Yoshihide og Fred Frith, Mats Gustafsson, Matmos, Zeenu Parkins, Evan Parker, Ikue Mori, Tony Conrad, Maju Ratkje og áfram mætti telja,
Í tónlistarsköpun Lemur renna ótal áhugaverðir þræðir úr tónlist samtímans saman; hávaðatónlist og frídjass, skrifuð og spunnin músík en hópurinn vinnur með spuna í tónlistarsköpun sinni eins og heyra má á tveimur rómuðum plötum sem útgáfufyrirtækið 3db records hefur gefið út: Algéan og IIIIIII.
Lagt verður í háskaför með þessum geysispennandi hópi föstudagskvöldið 5. maí í Mengi.
Hópurinn er staddur hér á landi dagana 2. til 6. maí og mun meðan á dvölinni stendur bjóða upp á fyrirlestra og vinnustofur í samstarfi við Rannsóknarstofu í tónlist (RíT), sem starfrækt er á vegum tónlistardeildar Listaháskóla Íslands.
A concert with Lemur at Mengi on Friday, May 5th at 9pm.
Tickets: 2500 isk
Lemur is a Norwegian all star quartet consisting of composers and improvisers. The four instrumentalists combine their work from classic composition, noise, chamber music and free jazz making a highly surprising and unique blend of contemporary sound and attitude.
Lemur was formed in 2006. Since their debut in Trondheim they have performed in Norway, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Taiwan, Macau, China, England and Scotland. Their two albums on +3db records have been met with much critical acclaim. Lemur has collaborated with Paul Lytton, Julia Eckhardt, Mats Gustafsson, Amit Sen, John Hegre, Dickson Dee, Trondheim Sinfonietta, N Ensemble and Tom Løberg. They also contributed to the punk poet Patrick Fitzgeralds release “Spirit of the Revolution” from 2007.
(b. 1978) plays double bass and is currently employed at the University of Trondheim doing research on the use of improvisation in experimental music. Duch has contributed on about twenty recordings, and has played solo-concerts several places in Norway, in Athens and in London. Duch is associated with a number of constellations – among them the rock band Dog & Sky, the improv quartet LEMUR, the drone trio TRICYCLE the acoustic post noise duo ORIGAMI TACET. He has also done ad hoc collaborations with Otomo Yoshihide, Taku Sugimoto, Sachiko M, Mark Wastell, Mattin, Cadillac, the Kulta Beats and Salvatore.
(b. 1969) is a cellist, composer and conductor, educated at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo. She tours regularly with her main ensembles SPUNK and her main collaborator Sofia Jernberg in Europe, Asia and Canada. She also performs solo and in various ad hoc constellations. She has collaborated with artists such as Mattin, Lucio Capece and Mats Gustafsson, and has performed at festivals like FIMAV Victoriaville, Ultima, Borealis, Banlieues Bleues, Stockholm New Music og Nordic Music Days. In 2006 she released her first solo album Slåtter, slag og slark (Euridice).
(b. 1974) is a performer and composer. She plays french horn and electronics and studied jazz and improvised music at the Norwegian Academy of Music. Tafjord has made music for dance, film, theatre and installations/sculptures. In addition to her solo project she plays in bands like Lemur, SPUNK, Agrare, Trinacria, Phantom Orchard Orchestra. She has also collaborated with numerous artists like Wolf Eyes, Campbell Kneale, Matmos, Ikue Mori, Zeena Parkins, Otomo Yoshihide, Fred Frith, Zu and Evan Parker. She has done workshops, concerts, toured and worked with musicians and artists in Europe, USA, Canada and Asia.
(b. 1976) is a flutist, educated in Bergen, London and Amsterdam. He works as a chamber musician in Polygon, improviser in Lemur, noisemaker in Rehab, ensemble player in N Ensemble, sound artist in Habbestad&Larsson and electroacustician in USA/USB. Habbestad has performed on most Norwegian stages and festivals for contemporary music. He has also done extended touring in Scandinavia, Europe, Asia and USA. Habbestad founded the N Collective in 2003 and currently runs N Ensemble, the collective’s ensemble-alter-ego. He is also co-curator of the Bergen-based sound gallery Lydgalleriet.
Við minnum á klippikort Mengis sem kostar 16.000 krónur og veitir aðgang að tíu einstökum viðburðum að eigin vali. Klippikortið er ekki bundið við einstakling. Hægt er að bjóða vinum sínum með. Hægt er að kaupa kortið fyrir og eftir viðburði og á opnunartíma verslunar í Mengi við Óðinsgötu 2.
We encourage you to buy Mengi punch card for 16.000 krónur. The card gives you access to ten exciting events at Mengi of your own choice. Not limited to one person - you can take your friends with you. The card can be bought at Mengi during the opening of our shop or before or after events.