Mr. Silla & Jae Tyler
Berlínarbúarnir Silla og Tyler eru stödd í borginni.
Þau munu spila splunkunýtt efni fyrir gesti Mengis á laugardagskvöld. Tyler flytur fyrst eigið efni og notast við kasettuspilara og gítarmagnara. Síðar spila þau saman sem Mr. Silla og má búast við kosmísku, dreymandi tónaflóði frá tvíeykinu.
Húsið opnar kl. 21 - Miðaverð er 2.500 kr.
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Mr. Silla and Jae Tyler will perform exciting new material for us in Mengi next Saturday. They are looking forward to be premiering this newly born music in the experimental safe haven that is Mengi. Armed with a cassette player and a guitar amp Tyler will do a solo performance before being joined by Silla which will then perform her set accompanied by Tyler on guitar.
Doors at 20:30 - Tickets 2.500 kr.
Jae Tyler has a new sound and a new identity, just like he did last year and the year before that, but this time it's different. Poising himself as a pre-madonna, post-wave pop icon from the near future Jae Tyler invites you into his world of lost sound, found tools, cool vibes and diatribes. If you're the type who enjoys desert before dinner then you're not the type to enjoy Jae Tyler before listening. Decide for yourself and give it a try. You may or may not regret it. Either way, give your self what your heart wants... The freedom to choose.
Emerging from her involvement with influential bands such as múm and Mice parade, Sigurlaug Gísladóttir, aka Mr. Silla, has blossomed into a creative force of reckoning. Matched only by a truly honest and evocative stage presence, the musically transcendent ebb and flow of Mr. Silla is as breathtaking as it is life giving. Hence, the often ethereal sonic landscapes explored on her self-titled debut album, released on 12 tónar. Now, after many a Berlin day spent gathering her arsenal of inspired moments, Mr. Silla has new tracks and a new vision set to unveil in 2018. Even more proof of what the creative hatchery of Iceland has to offer.