

Matilda Rolfsson slagverksleikari & Emilie Thun, dansari koma fram í Mengi föstudagskvöldið 12. maí.

Viðburður hefst klukkan 21. Miðaverð: 2000 krónur.

English below

Sænska slagverksdívan Matilda Rolfsson hefur komið fram víða um Evrópu í margvíslegu samhengi en á meðal samstarfsmanna hennar má nefna Phil Minton, Lisu Ullén og Maggie Nicols. Hún hefur á undanförnum árum rannsakað mörk og mæri frjáls tónlistarspuna og dansspuna og starfað náið með hinni norsku Emilie Thun í því samhengi en Rolfsson lauk árið 2015 mastersgráðu (frá Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance í London) þar sem viðfangsefnið var einmitt samband frjáls spuna í tónlist og dans.

Norski dansarinn og danshöfundurinn Emilie Thun lauk BA-gráðu i dansi árið 2011 frá Listaháskólanum í Osló. Hún starfrækir sinn eigin dansflokk, Best Seat Productions í Þrándheimi en hefur að auki komið víða fram og unnið með Joona Halonen og Sif Gaustad í Theater innlandet svo fátt eitt sé nefnt

Það er okkur í Mengi mikil ánægja að fá þennan áhugaverða dúett til okkar.


Matilda Rolfsson and Emilie Thun at Mengi on Friday, May 12th at 9pm.

Tickets: 2000 isk

Dance-drum is percussionist Matilda Rolfsson (SE) and dancer Emilie Thun (NO). The duo moves in the context of free improvisation,- between the two artforms: music and dance, sharing time and space autonomously.

The concept behind the collaboration is a continuum of Swedish percussionist Matilda Rolfsson master-research but also her artistic practice; the relation between music and dance in a free-improvised context. The idea and philosophy of a inter-disciplinary work stem from John Cage and Merce Cunningham’s realization of “co- existence” between the two artforms music and dance as a unifying expression (still maintaining sensibility and integrity of artistic language when producing real-time shows). The common thing among the two artforms is time and not least the importance of the third perspective which is the spectator ´s gaze that Cage and Cunningham meant gave their pieces complexity and a wider spectrum of dimensions.

Matilda Rolfsson studied at the music conservatoire in NTNU, Trondheim and finished her master at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance 2015. She frequently travels with her basedrum, and has constellations spread over Europe. She has her own trio; TRIO GENERATIONS with legendary singer Maggie Nicols (UK) Lisa Ullén (SE) and also a duo with singer Phil Minton (UK).

Emilie Thun studied dance at (Oslo National Academy of the Arts) 2011. BA Modern/ Conteporary dance. She has worked with with Joona Halonen, Bergen National Opera, Theater Innlandet with Siv Gaustad. Emilie works also with her own dance-company: Best Seat Productions, based in Trondheim.