Victor Herrero í Mengi
Spænski tónlistarmaðurinn Victor Herrero, sem einnig er þekktur sem samstarfsmaður Josephine Foster, mun flytja tónlist sína fyrir rödd og gítar í Mengi einn og óstuddur.
Hann kynntist Josephine Foster í Bandaríkjunum árið 2007 og þau hófu tónlistarsamstarf stuttu síðar. Hann hefur spilað inn á plötur hennar This Coming Gladness (2008), Blood Rush (2012) og I'm a Dreamer (2018).
Hann hefur verið iðinn undanfarin ár, spilað með fjöldanum öllum af tónlistarfólki og gefið út plötur. Þeirra á meðal eru plöturnar Perlas (2013), Astrolabio (FEEDING TUBE RECORDS) og nú á árinu er væntanleg plata hans Hermana sem tekin var upp að vetri í Funkhaus stúdíóinu í Berlín.
Meðal samstarsmanna og -kvenna Victors eru Baby Dee, Eric Chenaux, Gyða Valtýsdóttir, Shahzad Ismaily, Lorena Alvarez og VINICIO CAPOSSELA.
Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 - Miðaverð er 2.500 krónur.
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Spanish musician Victor Herrero, better known as musical partner of Josephine Foster, will play a solo set on classical guitar and singing at Mengi.
Doors at 20:30 - Tickets are 2.500 krónur.
In 2007 Victor met his musical partner the US artist Josephine Foster, and they began to collaborate and perform together in concert as well as in the recording studio. He plays lead guitar on her disc “This Coming Gladness” (Bo’Weavil Recordings, 2008) as well as on her two last solo albums; “Blood Rushing” (Fire Records, 2012) and “I ́m a Dreamer” (Fire Records, 2013).
In 2009 he released his second solo album "Anacoreta" (Bo’Weavil Recordings, 2009), an instrumental collection of his compositions written for Spanish guitar. The music embodies different styles which have all formed a part of his experience; classical, folkloric and contemporary threads all united under the strong influence of traditional Andalusian music.
In 2010 the UK label Fire Records released "Anda Jaleo” recorded by his folkloric ensemble with his companion “Josephine Foster & Victor Herrero Band”. A collection of popular traditional songs collected and harmonised by the Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca in 1930, these piano scores and recordings were the inspiration for this new recorded version made by Victor and Josephine.
With this same ensemble in March 2012 Fire Records released “Perlas” a new collection of Spanish folkloric songs. The collection included traditional as well as original songs arranged and composed by Josephine and Victor.
In summer 2012 the label Foehn Records of Barcelona released “Tiempo para la Cosecha”, an album by Viva, a project created by Victor with the Spanish musician Israel Marco and Togolese percussionist Gamal Seya. The music is based in the traditional African rhythms. In 2014 Victor Herrero released his third solo album “Estampida”. A collection of original songs written in Spanish, they take inspiration from the music and poetry of Spain and Latin America. This record has been released by Foehn Records and Windbell Records Japan.
During the last couple years Victor has been involved in many different projects and journeys.
At the beginning of 2017 the US label Feeding Tube Records releases his fourth solo album “Astrolabio”. An instrumental and experimental record on Portuguese guitar.
Travelling, recording or playing with artists like Michael Gira, Keiji Haino, Luzmila Carpio, Baby Dee, Master Musicians of Joujouka, Vinicio Capossela, Sonny Simmons, Ed Askew, Arlt, Marisa Terzi, Alasdair Roberts, Eric Chenaux, Tomi Simatupang, Alex Neilson, Paz Lenchantin, Gyda Valtysdottir, Abdellah el Gourd, Norberto Lobo, Michael Zerang, Nat Baldwin, Lorena Álvarez, Shahzad Ismaily, etc
This year Victor will release his new solo album "Hermana" (Foehn Records, 2018) , a collection of evocative songs on Spanish guitar and voice, recorded live on winter days at Funkhaus Studios, Berlin.