New Spring in the Dead of Winter / IDK I IDA
Tónleikar í Mengi fimmtudagskvöldið 1. júní klukkan 20. Húsið verður opnað klukkan 19:30
Frá Montréal
- Tyr Jami / Hljómsveitinni Syngja
- Justin Guzzwell
- Zuzu Knew (Jasa Baka) og Francis Adar
- Deborah Alanna.
Frá New York
- Glockabelle (forfallast)
Frá Reykjavík
- Danska raftónlistarkonan IDK I IDA
Miðaverð: 2000 krónur. Miðar seldir við innganginn og í gegnum
Kanadísku listamennirnir sem fram koma í Mengi mynda saman hópinn New Spring en þeir hafa haft aðsetur á Ísafirði undanfarinn mánuð og unnið að verkefni sem flutt verður verður í Edinborgarhúsinu á Ísafirði, í Mengi við Óðinsgötu og í Montréal.
Samstarf hópsins hófst í kringum upptökur langömmu þeirra Jasa Baka og Tyr og ömmu Deboru, Ingibjargar Guðmundsdóttur sem fluttist frá Vestmannaeyjum til Kanada árið 1924. Hún náði háum aldri og lést árið 1994, þá 103 ára. Á áttunda og níunda áratug síðustu aldar söng hún vísur og þjóðlög, eftir minni, sem og sínar eigin, inn á kassettur sem hún sendi til dóttur sinnar Jónu sem bjó í Montreal og átti hún að spila þær fyrir barnabörnin.
New spring in the Dead of Winter, samstarfsverkefni hópsins nú, er því í raun samstarf fjögurra kynslóða kvenna sem hófst á Íslandi árið 1924.
Í tónlistinni fléttast saman rafhljóð og sellóleikur, hljóðgervlar og raddir. Lifandi myndmáli er varpað er á senuna á meðan á tónleikum stendur og leika búningar Zuzu þar einnig stórt hlutverk. Í heiminum sem þau skapa er ekki að finna skýra línu sem skilur að hvar raunveruleikinn endar og fantasían hefst.
Glockabelle er hliðarsjálf bandarísku tónlistarkonunnar Annabelle Cases sem hefur búið til frábærlega skemmtilegan og dansvænan hljóðheim úr Casio-hljómborðum, klukkuspili sem hún spilar á með fingurbjörgum og söngröddinni en textarnir eru bæði á ensku og frönsku enda Annabelle fædd í Bandaríkjunum en af frönskum foreldrum. Hljóðheimurinn er fullur af gáska og stórkostlegum skringilegheitum, sjálf segist hún búa til nokkurs konar hljóðgervlapönk en áhrifin koma úr öllum áttum. Hún lærði klassískan píanóleik en fór snemma að taka Casiohljómborðin og klukkuspilin í sína þágu og hefur þróað aðferð til að spila á klukkuspilið með fingurbjörgum.
Glockabelle hefur komið fram á Kvikmyndahátíðinni í Toronto, í Lincoln Center, The Museum of Modern Art í New York, á Miami Art Basel, Jasshátíðinni í Montreux, á South by Southwest, víða í Bandaríkjunum og í Evrópu. Hún kemur fram á plötu hljómsveitarinnar The Go! Team, "The Scene Between” og kom fram ásamt The Go! Team á reisum hljómsveitarinnar árin 2015 og 2016.. Hún gaf út fyrstu smáskífu sína, hina rómuðu ‘Wolf BBQ’ árið 2015 og hefur nýverið lagt lokahönd á sína fyrstu breiðskífu.
Glockabelle er í sinni fyrstu Íslandsreisu og mun koma fram víða í Reykjavík á meðan hún er stödd hér, í Lucky Records, á Reykjavík Rosenberg, Kex og Gallerí Port auk Mengis.
Tónlistarkonan IKI I IDA er ættuð frá Danmörku en hefur verið búsett í Reykjavík um nokkurt skeið og komið víða fram . Hljóðheimurinn er sveimkenndur með þungri undiröldi þar sem saman fléttast rafræn og lífræn hljóð í kringum brothætta söngrödd tónlistarkonunnar.
A concert featuring New Spring in the Dead of Winter and and IDK I IDA
At Mengi on Thursday, June 1st at 8pm. Doors: 7:30 pm.
Tickets: 2000 isk - at the door or through
New Spring in the Dead of Winter is an interdisciplinary performance project made by artists from Montréal, Canada, during their residency at Arts Iceland in Isafjordur from May 1st - 28th which will then be presented in Iceland and Montreal.
Sparked by the Icelandic texts derived from songs sung by our
great-grandmother Ingibjorg Gudmundsdottir (1891-1994), this project arcs through 4 generations of women. In New Spring visual worlds by Zuzu Knew parallel music made by Syngja, both infused by the same themes of personified nature and mythic archetypes.
Their reinterpretations have become an original performance;
compositions and songs with Cello, electronics, synthesizer and voice with costumes and projections that combine to create an immersive experience, both visceral and surreal.
Tyr Jami: Cello, Sampler, Voice
Justin Guzzwell: Synth, Drum Machine, Voice
Zuzu Knew: Overhead Projections
Spoken Word: Debora Alanna
DESIGN: Zuzu Knew & Frances Adair: Costumes/Set/Video/Animation
Syngja has performed around the world, most notably for the Société des arts technologiques (SAT), Festival TransAmériques, festival MEG, M for Montreal, Suoni Per Il Popolo, Pop Montreal,
Mono No Aware (Brooklyn), and BeauHaus (Brussels).
Zuzu Knew has made costumes for Tanya Tagaq, Laakkukuk Williamson Bathory, Klo Pelgag and Tommy
Kruise. She has made interdisciplinary work for MIX NYC, Koumaria in Athens, Greece and NXNE, Toronto.
Glockabelle is Annabelle Cazes. She plays two Casio VL-Tones, a lyre-shaped glockenspiel with eight thimbles and sings in both French and English.
Her wild sound stems from a combination of inspiration and circumstance. Born to Francophone parents, Glockabelle received an education both stateside and in France. After being introduced to the sound of the Casio VL-Tone by a neighbor in Paris, Glockabelle began blending her classical piano techniques with vintage synth-pop sounds resulting in a hyperactive mixture of rhythm and tone. She also developed a unique approach to playing the glockenspiel: not with mallets but with eight sewing thimbles.
This new sound lead Glockabelle to a 2008 tour with Fiery Furnaces, landing her a set at the Bonnaroo Music Festival. In 2010, Glockabelle composed an original piece for the Paris Cinema Festival which was broadcast in French Cinemas and on national television. She has performed at The Toronto Film Festival, Miami Art Basel, SXSW, The Montreux Jazz Festival, on the Chris Gethard Show, WFMU, opened for James Chance, Kaki King, The Go! Team and Marnie Stern. She opened for Jack White's Raconteurs while touring as a member of the Fiery Furnaces. The New York Times said of her performance on this tour, “Technique in action: The glockenspiel has a new heyday in indie-rock, following a lineage from Phil Spector through the E Street Band through U2’s first album to the Arcade Fire. But I haven’t seen one played the way the Fiery Furnaces did: not with mallets, but with thimbles on fingertips. That can make for more simultaneous notes, more busy metallic pling.”
In 2015, Glockabelle was a featured vocalist on the Go! Team's album The Scene Between with the song "Catch Me on the Rebound."
She released her first EP in May 2015, which was hailed by SPIN as "Anarchic Enchantment" and the A.V. Club as "[showcasing] her art-punk, synth-pop provocateur music with gleeful abandon, while still highlighting her exquisite musicianship. Her 'Wolf BBQ' EP is a collection of mostly unreleased tracks. The result is a collection of equally playful and technically complex tracks filled with surf and punk tendencies, all brought together with her intricate synths and controlled madness."
In June 2015, she toured Europe opening for the Go! Team. In September 2015, she performed at the Toronto International Film Festival as she contributed the soundtrack to the film "Concerning the Bodyguard" which was an official festival selection and narrated by Sir Salman Rushdie.
In January 2016, she opened for the Go! Team across the U.S. And in March 2016, her thimble glockenspiel playing premiered at both Lincoln Center and The Museum of Modern Art in New York City as "Concerning the Bodyguard" was an official selection at the New
Directors New Films festival.
She completed a tour opening for Kaki King in June of 2016 in the U.S. and Canada. In December 2016, her work debuted in Japan as her "Gazelle" song was selected as part of an exclusive compilation by the Tokyo-based label Stubbie Records.
In March 2017, she performed as an official artist at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. Her journey and performance at SXSW were filmed as part of a two-hour documentary by the NHK
Network of Japan which was premiered in April 2017.
DK | IDA is a Reykjavik based Electronic producer and singer from Denmark who has her roots planted in the Icelandic underground scene.
By spending 1,5 years independently writing, recording sounds and producing, she's created a universe of her own that explores the friction between the mechanic and the organic.
Deep bass, complex beats and a web of field recordings create an atmosphere that wraps itself around her powerful yet fragile voice, and the listener is invited into the alluring world of IDK | IDA.