Sunna Friðjóns
Eftir klassískt tónlistaruppeldi og nám í þverflautuleik beindi Sunna fókusnum nýlega að lagasmíðum og flutningi á eigin efni undir áhrifum Emiliönu Torrini, Sóleyjar, Tori Amos, Agnes Obel og Lykke Li. Rómantík, mystík, dimma og sakleysi blandast saman í dreymandi kammerpopptóna þar sem djarfar hljóðfæraútsetningar og hrár en kraftmikill söngur eru í forgrunni.
Platan Enclose sem kom út í janúar sl. er fyrir raddir, píanó, klarinett, fiðlu, lágfiðlu og kontrabassa. Platan, sem er akústísk, samanstendur af hljóðfæraköflum sem fléttast utan um fjögur lög þar sem forvitnilegar hljóðfæraútsetningar, imprintuð flautusíðrómantík og sterkt aðdráttarafl til dreymandi indie folk-popps hittast, og viðurkenndar, en stöðugar sveiflur á milli berskjaldaðs sakleysis yfir í myrkari hliðar undirmeðvitundarinnar þrífast.
Píanóið er uppistaða og byrjunarpunktur plötunnar og uppspretta þessa mikla vægis sem yfirtónar fá á plötunni. Það byrjaði með löngun til að gefa földum, áferðakenndum yfirtónahljóðheimi píanósins meira vægi, gefa þeim hljóðum aukið pláss - m.a. með því að breikka þann hljóm út fyrir píanóið og yfir á hin hljóðfærin, þá aðallega kontrabassann sem fær mikið pláss í útsetningunum. Yfirtónadrónar og skuggalegt tónmengi Enclose hljóðheimsins leiða okkur í gegnum fjögur lög plötunnar hvert á fætur öðru.
Doors Open: 20:30
Show Starts: 21:00
Tickets: 2000 kr
Welcoming the mixture of innocence and gloom, feeding her plural personalities the Icelandic Sunna Fridjons guides us through minimalistic but thickly textured instrumental pieces and cinematic chamber “pop” songs with influences from Emiliana Torrini, Tori Amos, Agnes Obel, Lykke Li and Sunna's mentor Sóley, where raw arrangements of the piano, strings and bare but powerful vocals lead the way and continuous fluctuations between vulnerable innocence and darker sides of the subconscious thrive.
Having studied classical performance her whole life with a love of dreamy pop, Sunna finds a space between the two while keeping curiosity alive about genre and colouring outside the lines.
After releasing her debut album in January; the entirely acoustic album Enclose, Sunna is currently working on her next album where she is experimenting with percussion, drones and letting herself indulge in a new state where empowerment is a guiding principle and reflects in structure, melody, lyrics and dynamics. Though in this transformation, Sunna keeps on writing daydreaming and soothing songs that are a strong foundation in her compositions.
Sunna Fridjons’ debut album, Enclose, is written for vocals, piano, clarinet, violin, viola and double bass. The album consists of songs and surrounding contemplating instrumental pieces that together intertwine into one haunting story.
The piano is the starting point of the album and most of the ideas behind the arrangements come from the hidden soundscape of the piano, the echoing harmonics, that perhaps aren’t “normally” valued as part of the music. In Enclose value is simply added to it by converting the harmonics onto other instruments and therefore slapping it in people’s faces. With a theme that appears again and again in different forms and shapes through the album with a clear beginning that resurfaces in the end, creating a circle, the album is enclosed into a whole, into one piece. Sunna’s contrasting needs both for simplicity and complexity are perfectly met in creating this album with simple melodies and piano arrangements as opposed to the deep dives into the sound world of the instrument and its textures.
Doors Open: 20:30
Show Starts: 21:00
Tickets: 2000 kr