Anthony Pateras
Mengi er stolt að kynna til leiks Anthony Pateras, hljóðfæraleikara og tónskáld frá Ástralíu en hann er einn áhugaverðasti frumkvöðull í tónlist af sinni kynslóð í heiminum. Hann er þekktur fyrir nútímatónsmíðar og ögrandi raftónlist og einnig fyrir samstarf sitt við listamenn á borð við Fennesz og Sun O))) en verk hans hafa m.a. verið flutt af Los Angeles Philharmonic og BBC Symphony. Framsækin tónlist Pateras dansar á mörkum hins rafmagnaða og órafmagnaða þar sem hann leikur sér að skynvillandi hljóðum, eins konar sjónhverfingu fyrir eyrun. Hann fæst við hljóðið sem fyrirbæri á einstakann hátt sem fer með áheyrendur í ferðalag uppfullt af spurningum og nýjum hugmyndum. Áhugafólk um nýja tónlist ætti alls ekki að láta þennan stórviðburð framhjá sér fara.
"A remarkable new voice" — The Los Angeles Times (US)
"Strange, elliptical, immaculately precise" — The Guardian (UK)
"Some of the most challenging and involving improv influenced composition in contemporary music" — The Wire (UK)
"Meticulously detailed" — The Toronto Star (CA)
"Magical" — Sydney Morning Herald (AU)
Anthony Pateras kemur fram í Mengi í fyrsta sinn fimmtudaginn, 13. júní klukkan 21. Miðaverð 3.000,-
Anthony Pateras is an Australian composer/performer whose current work focuses on electro-acoustic orchestration, temporal hallucination and sound phenomena.
He performs for the first time in Mengi on Thursday, June 13th at 9pm. Tickets are 3.000 kr.
Pateras has created over 75 works, receiving performances from the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Australian Chamber Orchestra and BBC Symphony, commissions from the GRM, Slagwerk Den Haag and Südwestrundfunk Baden-Baden, residencies from ZKM, Akademie Schloss Solitude and La Becque, and fellowships from Creative Victoria, the Ian Potter and Sydney Myer Foundations. He has released over 40 albums including collaborations with Mike Patton, Chris Abrahams and Valerio Tricoli, guested on records by Oren Ambarchi, Sunn O))) and Fennesz, as well as working in film with director Pia Borg, producer François Tetaz and literary critic Sylvère Lotringer. Aside from solo concerts, Pateras currently performs with eRikm, Jérôme Noetinger and North of North.
THIS AIN’T MY FIRST RODEO is a project that explores the psycho-acoustic interactions between two synthesizers in quadraphonic settings. Ornamenting the synthesizer fabric are materials generated and mutated by 1/4 inch tape delay.
These elements fuse to heighten the production of sound phenomena and third-ear emissions. Pateras thus creates sound textures with infinite folds allowing an immersive listening, applying his knowledge in the field of electroacoustic and spectral music, his research on physical and acoustic phenomena and the exploration of sound and its mutation — XING
"THIS AIN"T MY FIRST RODEO was commissioned by the APRA AMCOS Art Music Fund in partnership with the Australian Music Centre".