Pools / Pierre Tremblay
Kvikmyndasýning í Mengi miðvikudagskvöldið 14. júní klukkan 21.
Pools eftir Pierre Tremblay. Tónlist eftir Kristínu Önnu Valtýsdóttur, Dafydd Hughes og Carmen Braden. Ljóð eftir Nancy Campbell í túlkun Ajla Odobašić.
Miðaverð: 1500 krónur
Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:30
Miðar við innganginn og í gegnum booking@mengi.net
Sýning á ljóðrænum stuttmyndum kanadíska kvikmyndagerðarmannsins Pierre Tremblay sem saman mynda sveiginn Pools (Laugar). Kvikmyndirnar filmaðar í laugum, náttúrulegum og manngerðum, víðs vegar um Kanada, Finnland, Ísland, Ítalíu, Frakkland, Spán, Sviss, Túnis, Bretland og Bandaríkin. Sjálfur er Pierre Tremblay ákafur sundáhugamaður, syndir nær daglega og hefur undanfarin ár fest eigin sundferðir á filmu með aðstoð GoPro kvikmyndavélar. Litir, hreyfingar, ljós og skuggar og arkitektúr hinna margvíslegu lauga verða undirstaðan að gullfallegum kvikmyndaljóðum sem nú eru sýnd í fyrsta sinn á Íslandi.
Pools. A screening of short-films by Pierre Tremblay. Starts at 9pm, doors at 8:30 pm. Tickets: 1500 isk, at the door or through booking@mengi.net.
Pierre Tremblay swims nearly every day. Often in the Ryerson pool, where these works were first screened, but also in swimming pools and ponds across Canada and in Finland, Iceland, Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, the UK and the USA. For the past four years, Tremblay has been filming as he swims. With camera in hand, he’s captured the specific details and the shared mood of the architecture, colours, movement and rhythms of spaces for swimming. The resulting series of short films, or new media poems as Tremblay sometimes calls them, are kaleidoscopic meditations on ritual, repetition, watery light—and the joy of getting lost in them.
Music by Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir, Carmen Braden, Dafydd Hughes,
Poems by Nancy Campbell, read by Ajla Odobašić
About the artist:
Interdisciplinary artist Pierre Tremblay came to the School of Image Arts at Ryerson University after twelve years in Paris, where his work can be found in the collections of the Musée Carnavalet, Bibliothèque nationale and the Musée Rodin. His artistic practice combines new technologies and video, and questions how we see and perceive in a world in flux. His work has been exhibited regularly in Canada and France. In his role at Ryerson, Tremblay has facilitated conferences and edited books that have brought scholars and artists from Ontario, Quebec and France together for cross-cultural exchange on a variety of new media topics.