Spunasveit Raymond MacDonald / Raymond MacDonald and friends
Skoski saxófónleikarinn, tónskáldið og spunameistarinn Raymond Macdonald ásamt sveit hérlendra tónlistarmanna í Mengi föstudagskvöldið 16. júní klukkan 21. Miðaverð: 2500 krónur. Miðar seldir við innganginn eða í gegnum booking@mengi.net
Hljómsveit skipa auk Raymond þau Magnús Trygvason Eliassen, Róbert Reynisson, Charles Ross, Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson og Páll Ivan frá Eiðum.
Raymond MacDonald (f. 1968) á að baki afar áhugaverðan og litríkan feril sem saxófónleikari, tónskáld, spunameistari og fræðimaður en hann gegnir nú prófessorstöðu við Edinborgarháskóla.
Hann hefur verið gríðarlega afkastamikill sem tónlistarmaður, spilað inn á meira inn en sextíu hljómplötur, samið tónlist fyrir kvikmyndir, sjónvarpsþætti, leikhús og tónleikasalinn.
Á meðal samstarfsmanna má nefna tónlistarmennina Marilyn Crispell, David Byrne, Damo Suzuki (úr Can), Jim O’Rourke, Nurse with Wound, Axel Dorner, George Lewis, Evan Parker, Fred Frith og Keith Tippett en hann hefur einnig starfað með listamönnum úr öðrum geirum, með dönsurum, kvikmyndagerðarmönnum, myndlistarmönnum og rithöfundum, má þar nefna farsælt samstarf við myndlistarmanninn Martin Boyce og kvikmyndagerðarmanninn David MacKenzie.
Raymond MacDonald er stofnandi og stjórnandi Spunahljómsveitar Glasgow (Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra) sem hefur verið starfandi frá árinu 2002 og starfað með tónlistarmönnum á borð við Evan Parker, George Lewis, Barry Guy og Maggie Nichols.
Sem fræðimaður hefur Raymond Maconald rannsakað viðfangsefni tengd spunatónlist, sálfræðilegum áhrifum tónlistar, tónlistarsjálfsmyndum og tónlistarnámi.
Það er með mikilli ánægju sem við tökum á móti honum í Mengi.
An improv concert with the Scottish improviser, saxophone-player, composer and scholar Raymond MacDonald together with an improv band from Reykjavík.
Concert starts at 9pm. Tickets (2500 isk) at the door or through booking@mengi.net
Improv Orchestra: Raymond MacDonald, Magnús Trygvason Eliassen, Róbert Reynisson, Charles Ross, Páll Ivan frá Eiðum & Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson.
Raymond MacDonald is a saxophonist and composer who plays in many collaborative free improvisatory contexts where his roots in jazz and pop music can also be heard in his playing and writing. Working with musicians such as Evan Parker, Marilyn Crispell, George Lewis, David Byrne, Jim O’Rourke, he is a founding member of the Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra, and has released over 60 CDs (including many with Scottish guitarist George Burt) and toured and broadcast worldwide.
He has written music for film, television, theatre, radio and art installations and has a long standing collaboration, Scarecrows and Lighthouses, with artist Martin Boyce and film maker David MacKenzie. His work is informed by a view of improvisation as a social, collaborative and uniquely creative process that provides opportunities to develop new ways of working musically.
“Exhilarating music. It eliminates the boundaries not just between composition and improvisation but between cultures and idioms”. Sydney Morning Herald
“These are radically differing soundscapes, all delivered with great emotional intensity and a strong sense of the importance of the moment. Risks have been taken, and the Sextet plunge and rise between Hades and Heaven, grinning madly all the time" Jazz Review
"mighty and glorious" Jazz Wise
“An unqualified success” The Wire
“Able to individuate the exact points in which bedlam and presence of mind fuse, allowing the music to reach levels of unexpected intensity enriched by beautifully resonant halos and deliberate melodic reflections.”
Touching Extremes
“slips post-idiomatic playing against mischievous, borderline-arch genre-parody songs and gorgeously teary melodies .... devastatingly melancholy” Signal to Noise
“like mid-period Ayler hiking in the highlands ... Probably the hippest ‘jazz’ release of the month." Jazz Wise
"MacDonald's playing is absolutely stunning, in pitch, timbre, variation, and he also demonstrates his skills for circular breathing on the last two tracks. The interaction between these two stellar musicians grab the listener's attention from the start until the very end : intensity, suprise, beauty and creative collisions" All about jazz
“quite astonishingly brilliant” Jazz Wise
"truly great group improvisation" Down Town Music Gallery
"It’s free-form style collision at its finest, energized by MacDonald’s roaring frenzies in the upper-register of his alto" All about Jazz