Scratch Screening: Prism and Wonder
Kinosmiðja and Starting From Scratch present:
16mm film program curated by Lindsay Mcyntyre
A compilation of works after Robert Schaller, Solomon Nagler, Alex Larose, Todd Fraser, and Lindsay Mcintyre
Lindsay McIntyre is a film artist from Edmonton of Inuit and Settler European decent. She holds an MFA in Film Production from Concordia in Montreal and a BFA in Painting and Drawing from The University of Alberta. Her process-based practice is largely analog in nature and deals with themes of portraiture, place, form and personal histories. She applies her interest in film chemistry, analogue technologies and structure to make award-winning short 16mm films and expanded cinema performances which have been programmed around the world. She lives in Vancouver and teaches Film + Screen Arts at Emily Carr University of Art and Design.
16mm short film curated by Emmanuel Lefrant
WORDS OF MERCURY by Jerome HILER 2010-2011 / 16mm / n&b / sil. / 25'
*Emmanuel Lefrant is the director of Light Cone, a Paris-based nonprofit organization founded in 1982 whose aim is the distribution and the promotion of experimental cinema around the world. Light Cone distributes today nearly 5000 experimental films made between 1905 and today by more than 700 artists and filmmakers around the world.
The event is open to all. Free admission!
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Kinosmiðja kynnir SCRATCH SCREENING!
Þann 20.júní kl. 20:00 verður haldin kvikmyndasýning í Mengi undir heitinu PRISM AND WONDER.
Lista- og kvikmyndagerðarkonan Lindsay McIntyre hefur sett saman dagskrá af 16mm kvikmyndum eftir hana sjálfa, Robert Schaller, Solomon Nagler og Alex Larose og Todd Fraser en hún verður stödd hér á landi til þess að halda námskeið á vegum Kinosmiðju í 16mm kvikmyndagerð.
Námskeiðið er hluti af verkefninu „Starting from Scratch“ sem er á vegum sjálfstæðra kvikmyndafélaga á Norðurlöndunum, Kinosmiðju í Reykjavík, Polar Film Lab í Tromsø í Noregi og Filmverkstaden í Vaasa í Finnlandi. Verkefnið hefur það markmið að viðhalda þekkingu á kvikmyndamiðlinum og fjölbreyttir kvikmyndamenningu.
16mm short film curated by Emmanuel Lefrant
WORDS OF MERCURY by Jerome HILER 2010-2011 / 16mm / n&b / sil. / 25'
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