Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard
Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard álítur verk sín rannsóknir á mismundi veruleikum.
SOUND X SOUND verkefni hans gengur út á að skoða hljóð, raunveruleg og óraunveruleg, ásamt annara miðla til þess að athuga hvernig hægt sé að skynja raunveruleikann í gegnum hljóð. Hann kannar hvernig hljóð getur haft áhrif á innra eyra hlustandans með því að leika á ímyndurafl hans.
Tónlistarmenn eru:
Tumi Árnason
Björgvin Ragnar
Helgi Rúnar Heiðarsson
Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard
Quartet for Sigurd Rashcér (for 4 alto saxophnes)
Sonar for 4 vibraslaps
Music for 30 Chromatic Tuners (410-480Hz)
Getasteten Tastenden (for 8 violin bows) (music for 30 chromatic tuners) (music for 8 recorders) (portrait)
Viðburinn er styrktur af PULS, Nordisk Kultur Fond.
Tónleikar hefjast 20:00 | Miðaverð 2500 kr.
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Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard considers his work to be a basic research in realities.
Working within the domains of physical and imaginary sound as well as other non-sonic media, Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard seeks to stimulate new ways of approaching reality as heard in the SOUND X SOUND series, or in his work with sonic potentiality and music for the inner ear - an imaginary kind of music only hearable for the inner ear of the listener.
Over the recent years Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard has experimented with creating music that lets the instruments transcend their inherent sonic norms and reappear as new, untouched sound. In the work series SOUND X SOUND he explores this by way of multiplication. He has written and recorded the seven pieces of SOUND X SOUND from 2013 to 2016 – a series of works multiplying one instrument a number of times: One piece is written for 9 pianos, another for 18 clarinets, 10 hi-hats and so on.
The multiplication brings out new timbral phenomena, interference of sound waves and vibrations, and brings out what Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard calls the sound’s potential of transformation. He describes this as the quality in a musical piece, when you no longer hear recognisable instruments, but instead the individual sound, as well as the individual musician, is dissolved into the collective sound.
The work of NLL has been presented at a variety of different venues and museums a.o. MoMA (NY - as a part of the René Magritte exhibition The Mystery of the Ordinary, 2013), Imaginary West Indies (Overgaden Copenhagen, 2017), ISCM (Vancouver, 2017), Radiophrenia (Glasgow’s Centre for Contemporary Arts, 2017), CPH:DOX (Copenhagen, 2017), Roskilde Festival (2017), Harpa (Reykjavik, 2017), G((o))ng Tomorrow Festival (Copenhagen 2016, 2018) and his works has been released on labels such as Hiatus (DK) and Important Records (US). NLL is associate professor at RMC in Copenhagen, and has given lectures at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), Simon Fraser University (Vancouver), The Royal Danish Academy of Music, Artistic Research Forum , Goldsmiths University of London a.o.p. NLL has been awarded with several prizes a.o. from the Danish Art Foundation and the Sonning Foundation.
Line up:
Tumi Árnason
Björgvin Ragnar
Helgi Rúnar Heiðarsson
Niels Lyhne Løkkegaard
Quartet for Sigurd Rashcér (for 4 alto saxophnes)
Sonar for 4 vibraslaps
Music for 30 Chromatic Tuners (410-480Hz)
Getasteten Tastenden (for 8 violin bows) (music for 30 chromatic tuners) (music for 8 recorders) (portrait)
This event was made possible with the support of PULS, Nordisk Kultur Fond.
Concert starts at 20:00 | Tickets 2500 kr