
 Beyond Human Impulses :: A Pattern Out Loud


Ofar mannlegum hvötum.

Gjörningakvöld í Mengi fyrsta mánudag hvers mánaðar.

Húsið opnar klukkan 18:00 með uppsetningu.

Aðgangur ókeypis og öll velkomin.

Mynstur upphátt

Hægfljótandi sállandfræðileg blanda umleikis tóna, rafmagnsgítars, upplestra, umhverfishljóða og rauntímamyndefnis.

Gjörningurinn er samvinna dispersed holdings og vinnustofu nemenda Rhode Island School of Design, á íslandi.

Fram koma:

Sal Randolph: hljóðgervlar, effektar, rödd

David Richardson: gítar, effektar, rödd

Rhode Island School of Design:

Gabriel Abascal, Emily Abelson, Kevin Dong, Xiomara Espana, Adrienne Hugh, Jeffrey Katz, Xiaohan Li, Yae Eun Park, Alexander T. Rocha, Amie Schow, Ningjing Sun, Naiqian Wang, Emma Yang (ásamt Paul Soulellis and Cara Buzzell)

dispersed holdings er tvíeyki sem vinnur með hæga hlustun og hljóm-orða tilraunir.

Með tónlist sinni leitast þau jafnt við að skapa dvalarstað og tónlist til áheyrnar.

Þau semja og bjóða til hlustunar í listamannareknu hlustunar- og útgáfurými í fyrrum íbúð Evu Hesse á Bowery í New York.

Sal Randolph er listamaður sem býr í Brooklyn og vinnur með hljóð, tungumál og gjörninga.

Verk hennar hafa verið sett upp í the Asian Arts Theater, Akademie der Kunst, Le Centre Culturel de Cerisy, Museum of Jurassic Technology, Palais de Tokyo og í Whitney Museum. Ný textaverk eftir hana má finna í BOMB, Otoliths, Pith, Queen Mob's Teahouse, La Vague og í Sound American. Hún er önnur af stofnendum dispersed holdings. salrandolph.com

David Richardson skrifar, kennir og flytur tónlist í New York. Hann er annar stofnenda dispersed holdings. David hefur ritstýrt greinum í Cabinet magazine og kennt hjá MOMA og Mildred´s Lane. Skrif hans hafa birst í BOMB, Three Percent og Apricota, a journal of art history.

RISD global er sumarskóli Rhode Island School of Design, utan Bandaríkjanna. Nemendurnir á vinnustofu í Reykjavík 2017 eru BFA og MFA nemar úr deildum myndlistar, hönnunar og ritlistar. Leiðbeinendur á vinnustofunni eru Paul Soulellis, prófessor í Grafískri hönnun við RISD og Bryndís Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir myndlistarmaður.



Umsjón með og uppskipun á Ofar mannlegum hvötum:

Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir, Bryndís Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir, Eva Ísleifs, Ingibjörg Magnadóttir & Katrín Inga Jónsdóttir Hjördísardóttir

Mynd: Xiaohan Li


Beyond Human Impulses.

A night dedicated to visual performances, held at Mengi on the first Monday evening of every month.

Doors open at 18:00 (house is open during set-up).

Free admission and everyone welcome!

Mynstur upphátt / A pattern out loud.

A slowly evolving psychogeographical drift mixing ambient tones, electric guitar, field recordings, and readings with live improvisational video feeds. dispersed holdings will perform in collaboration with students of the Rhode Island School of Design as the culmination of their Reykjavík residency: Artistic Practice in 24-Hour Light.

Sal Randolph: synths, effects, voice

David Richardson: guitar, effects, voice

Rhode Island School of Design:

Gabriel Abascal, Emily Abelson, Kevin Dong, Xiomara Espana, Adrienne Hugh, Jeffrey Katz, Xiaohan Li, Yae Eun Park, Alexander T. Rocha, Amie Schow, Ningjing Sun, Naiqian Wang, Emma Yang (with Paul Soulellis and Cara Buzzell)

More info:

dispersed holdings is a sound-making collective from New York City working with slow listening and sonic-textual experimentation. Their music aspires to be as much a place to be as a sound to hear: it is ambient, environmental in scale, by turns lush and brash in texture, and durational. They create their music and host listening events in the former Bowery apartment of sculptor Eva Hesse.

Sal Randolph is an artist who lives in Brooklyn and works between language, sound, and action. Her projects and performances have been shown at the the Asian Arts Theater, Akademie der Kunst, Le Centre Culturel de Cerisy, Museum of Jurassic Technology, Palais de Tokyo, and the Whitney Museum. New language work is in BOMB, Otoliths, Pith, Queen Mob's Teahouse, La Vague, and Sound American. She is co-founder of dispersed holdings. salrandolph.com

David Richardson writes, teaches, and plays music in New York City. He is co-founder of dispersed holdings, an artist-run listening and publication space. He has edited at Cabinet magazine and taught at MoMA and Mildred's Lane. His writing has been published in BOMBand Three Percent, and is forthcoming in Apricota, a journal of art history.



Beyond human impulses curatorial team:

Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir, Bryndís Hrönn Ragnarsdóttir, Eva Ísleifs, Ingibjörg Magnadóttir & Katrín Inga Jónsdóttir Hjördísardóttir

Image: Xiaohan Li