Matt Evans
Tónleikar með Matt Evans, tónskáldi og slagverksleikara frá Brooklyn. Hans fyrstu tónleikar í Mengi, miðvikudaginn 12. júlí kl. 21:00.
Húsið opnar kl. 20:30. Miðaverð er 2.000 krónur.
Slagerksleikarinn, hljóðlistamaðurinn og tónskáldið Matt Evans lauk mastersgráðu í slagverksleik frá Eastman School of Music og hefur verið búsettur í Brooklyn í New York undanfarin ár þar sem hann sinnir margvíslegum tónlistarverkefnum. Á meðal hljómsveita sem hann starfar með má nefna slagverkstríóið Tigue, píanótríóið Bearthoven, dúettinn Private Elevators og samtímatónlistarhópinn Contemporaneous. Hann hefur komið fram í Kitchen, Lincoln Center, MoMA í New York svo eitthvað sé nefnt og tónlist hans og tónlistarflutningur hefur verið gefinn út útgáfufyrirtækjunum New Amsterdam Records, Cantaloupe Music, Thrill Jockey og Perfect Wave.
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Matt Evans is a percussionist, drummer, mover and composer living in Brooklyn, NY. His work integrates composition and performance with a sculptor’s eye and intuitive sense for intersectional art making, establishing a role best described as an interdisciplinary sound artist. In his concert music he constructs abstract sonic architectures through musical stillness and extreme duration, blending ambient drones, process-based minimalism, and installation. His movement based material synthesises modes of physicality and sound production through acoustic instruments, household objects and analogue recording technologies. As a collaborator, he frequently works in cross-disciplinary contexts, playing in bands, performing with new music ensembles, and producing performances that integrate music, movement and visual art.
Matt co-leads, performs and tours with several projects including Tigue, Open House, Bearthoven, and Man Forever, and he's performed on acclaimed series including The BAM Next Wave Festival, The Kitchen, and The Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival. His recordings have been released with New Amsterdam Records, Cantaloupe Music, Thrill Jockey, and Perfect Wave. Matt received a Masters of Music in Percussion Performance from the Eastman School of Music and completed his undergraduate degree at The Ohio State University.
House opens at 8:30 p.m. The event starts at 9:00 p.m.
Tickets at the door for 2.000 ISK.