
Nicolas Kunysz x Sindri Geirsson / The Society of Possible

Hugsanlegur félagsfundur hins hugsanlega Hugsanlegafélags.

Tónlist eftir Sindra Geirsson & Nicolas Kunysz.


Hugsanlegafélagið býður til hugsanlegs stofnfundar í Mengi þann 14. júlí næstkomandi. Kvöldið býður hugsanlega upp á spunnar gjörðir þar sem ýmislegt mun hugsanlega og að öllum líkindum gerast...ef kringumstæður leyfa.

Húsið opnar kl. 20:30

Viðburðurinn hefst kl. 21:00

Miðaverð er 2.000 krónur.

Um listamennina:

Sindri og Nicolas hafa unnið saman að tónlist undir ýmsum nöfnum í fleiri ár og henni mætti lýsa sem tilraunakenndri-, ambíent-, hávaða- og lágstemmdri tónlist auk vettvangshljóðritana og endurtekninga.

Þeir halda utan um mánaðarlegu tónleikaröðina 'lowecase nights' sem hófst á Húrra árið 2014 en hefur verið haldin á Prikinu í meira en hálft annað ár. Þar spinna tónlistarmenn nýja, tilraunakennda tónlist við hinar ýmsu költ bíómyndir.

Þeir mæta í Mengi með strokhjóðfæri, pedala, hljóðgervla og fundna hluti og leitast eftir því að fylla rýmið af öllum mögulegum og ómögulegum hljóðum.

Hugsið ykkur.

Sindri Geirsson / O|S|E|: https://soundcloud.com/oseb

Nicolas Kunysz: https://soundcloud.com/nicolaskunysz

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The Society of Possible.

By Sindri Geirsson & Nicolas Kunysz.

Possibly, maybe.

The Society of Possible,

invites you for an evening of improvised sonic acts;

spread in a space,

full of potentials,

things will happen.



Over the years Sindri & Nicolas have been making sounds under various names and together;

They meet in the realm of experimental, soundscape, drone, field recording, noise & discreet music.

In 2014, Nicolas created the lowercase nights, a monthly event where he curates and showcase various experimental acts. Really shortly after starting it, Sindri joined the project and never missed an event since then.

This Friday 14th, Sindri & Nicolas will perform through a plethora of sound sources spread within the space, attempting a decentralised experimental sound performance.

Don't expect stereo.


About the artists:


Electronic music artist & sound engineer O|S|E| AKA Sindri Geirsson,

is a close relative of the Lady Boy Records family,

over the years Sindri has been taking a big role in organising the Lowercase nights.

Known for his underground experimental beats and odd samples variating from "post gabber" to 8 bit and drony soundscapes that eventually collapse with modified field recordings, his music wonderfully escapes genres & categories.

O|S|E|'s Soundcloud:


Nicolas Kunysz

Co founder of Lady Boy Records and founder of the Lowercase Nights, his music takes place in the realm of electro acoustic, experimental, warm ambient drone;

He combines lo and hi fi techniques to create his soundscapes, accidental recordings and glitches participate to the multi layering process of making his tracks.

Textures generated by both instruments and field recordings build up flowing soundscapes that keeps on building up and collapsing. From ambient to noise, passing by drone, lowercase and discreet music.

Nicolas' Soundcloud:


House opens at 8:30 p.m.

The event starts at 9 p.m.

Tickets are 2.000 kr.