
On Louise Alenius' Porøset

Adam Buffington, heldur fyrirlestur um danska tónskáldið Louise Alenius í Mengi á laugardaginn kl. 14. Öll velkomin og aðgangur ókeypis.

Adam vinnur að doktorsritgerð sinni í tónlistarfræði við Ohio State Universitiy og rannsakar nú verk Louise Alenius, Porøset, gjörningaseríu fyrir einn áhorfanda í einu. Í samvinnu við Konunglega danska leikhúsið skoðar hún áhrif áhorfandans við einfalda en áhrifamikla uppsetningu verks síns þar sem nánd og berskjöldun bæði flytjanda og áhorfenda gera verkin spennandi og full af óljósum tilfinningum. Verkin eru unnin í samstarfi við tónlistarflytjendur og leikara.

Með því að kynna Porøset ásamt síðari ritum Maurice Merleau-Ponty og siðfræði Emmanuel Levinas leitast Adam Buffington við að kynna þessi einstöku verk Louise Alenius.

Nánar um Adam Buffington: www.adambuffington.com
Nánar um Louise Alenius: https://vimeo.com/louisealenius

“Somewhere behind those eyes, behind those gestures…coming from I know not [where], another private world shows through, through the fabric of my own, and for a moment I live in it.”
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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Adam Buffington presents excerpts from a writing-in-progress on Danish composer Louise Alenius, specifically focusing on Porøset, a series of brief performance works for one audience member at a time. Staged in conjunction with the Royal Danish Theatre in Copenhagen, Porøset, through its minimal production design and intensely private nature, explores and evokes feelings of intimacy and vulnerability between the performer and the audience member. By presenting Porøset alongside the late writings of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the ethics of Emmanuel Levinas, Adam Buffington strives to reveal the unique, uncompromising, yet life-affirming nature of Louise Alenius’ work.

Doors at 13:30 - Free entry - All welcome!

Louise Alenius, born in 1978, lives in Copenhagen and Paris. Louise has been working professionally as a composer and sound artist since 1999, focusing on the dramatic and narrative parts of the music. Louise is interested in how music and sound interact with other art forms (such as dance, theatre, exhibitions, films, animation films and literature) and develops his music in close relation to the other creative artists on the projects.

Adam Buffington is a composer and performer exploring the experiential effects of glacial physical movement and gesture in combination with quiet, delicate noise and prolonged silences.
His work has been presented at such venues as Hartford Art School, ROY G BIV Gallery (Columbus), Ely Center of Contemporary Art (New Haven), Real Art Ways (Hartford), Mengi and Kjarvalsstaðir, amongst others.
He is currently pursuing a Ph.D in Historical Musicology at The Ohio State University.


“Somewhere behind those eyes, behind those gestures…coming from I know not [where], another private world shows through, through the fabric of my own, and for a moment I live in it.”
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty