Same Picture, Different Poses
Bandaríski sirkuslistamaðurinn Kyle Driggs og dansarinn og danshöfundurinn Andrea Murillo komu fram i Mengi fyrr í mánuðinum ásamt stórum hópi fjölþjóðlegra listamanna við frábærar undirtektir. Laugardagskvöldið 22. júlí koma þau fram tvö ein síns liðs og flytja hið undurfallega og persónulega verk "Same Picture, Different Poses".
Verkið “Same Picture, Different Poses" dregur upp myndir af ástarsambandi sem miðlað er í gegnum hreyfingar, dans og leik. Litríkir hringir, boltar og aðrir hlutir svífa um í rýminu þar sem fléttast saman sirkuslistir og dans. Kyle Driggs nam sirkusfræði við einn virtasta skóla sinnar tegundir í heiminum, Ecole Nationale de Cirque de Montreal, og hefur látið að sér kveða á undanförnum árum þar sem form sirkussins er þanið og samþætt öðrum listgreinum. Andrea Murillo er menntaður dansari og danshöfundur, hún hefur starfað með hinum heimsfræga dansflokki Mörtu Graham, unnið með danshöfundum á borð við Rosie Herrera, Miki Orihara, og Caterina Rago, samið fjölmörg dansverk og vinnur um þessar mundir að sinni fyrstu dansmynd.
Sýningin hefst klukkan 21. Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:30
Miðaverð: 2000 krónur. Hægt er að kaupa miða við innganginn og í gegnum
Same Picture, Different Poses featuring Kyle Driggs and Andrea Murillo in a passionate presentation of juggling and dancing!
Starts at 9pm. House opens at 8:30 pm
Tickets (2000 isk) at the door or through
"Same Picture, Different Poses" is a narrative built on the personal relationship and life experiences of Kyle Driggs and Andrea Murillo, showcasing an image of extraordinary intimacy.
The piece takes place in the setting of a living room, where a couple reflects upon the inner workings of their coexistence through detailed movement portraits. As the story unfolds, subtle moments of illusion are revealed. Magic and reality bleed into one another, leaving the couple consumed by their own supernatural alter egos. As the characters seek resolution, they find themselves back in the comfort of their living room –– only to realize that they never actually left.
For the past three years, Kyle Driggs has been exploring the spectrums and ideology of contemporary circus. Specializing in a unique fusion of juggling, movement, object manipulation, and theatrical persona, he strives for the convergence of modern aesthetic and high technical skill. Upon graduating from one of the worlds premier circus schools (Ecole Nationale de Cirque de Montreal) Kyle rapidly began to receive international acclaim for his talent.
Andrea Murillo is a creator, performer, and teacher currently living in New York City. Shortly after graduating from New World School of the Arts she began touring with the Martha Graham Dance Company in International and National Tours. Later in 2012 Andrea transitioned to New York’s “Sleep No More” and played numerous leading roles, including Lady Macbeth. Since then, Andrea has worked in collaboration with Rosie Herrera, Miki Orihara, and Caterina Rago. Andrea has had the pleasure of collaborating and creating theatrical events for companies such as Espolon, Dos Equis, The Knickerbocker Hotel, and Lululemon Lab @ The New Museum. She is a recent Master Interdisciplinary Arts Teacher with the National Young Arts Foundation and is certified in the Gyrotonic Expansion System. Andrea is currently editing her dance film “Conduit ” and is in pre-production for her next film "Waves". Most recently, Andrea was casted in her first feature film directed by Carlos Cardona.