
Portrett / gunnar grímsson

Fjölbreyttir portretttónleikar með tónlist eftir Gunnar Grímsson. Auk Gunnars kemur fram hópur samstarfsmanna hans í gegnum árin.

Í Mengi fimmtudagskvöldið 27. júlí 2017 klukkan 21.

Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:30 og miða (á 2000 krónur) er hægt að fá við innganginn eða í gegnum booking@mengi.net.


Gunnar Grímsson hefur tekið virkan þátt í grasrótar- og tilraunasenu íslenskra lista um áratugaskeið eða allt frá árinu 1979 þegar hann stofnaði tilraunasveitina Jói á Hakanum (1979-2004). Leikgleði og ævintýramennska hefur einkennt tónlistarsköpun hans þar sem hann hefur starfað með alls konar músíkölskum sálufélögum. Gunnar er að mestu sjálfmenntaður í tónlist ef undan er skilið nám við Institute of Sonology í Den Haag í Hollandi þar sem hann naut meðal annars tilsagnar John Cage og Michael Barker. Gunnar er nú virkur meðlimur í hljómsveitunum Fengjastrútur

, Innblástur Arkestra

og admm.

Fram koma:

Frank Aarnink

Hafdís Bjarnadóttir

Ingi Garðar Erlendsson

Jesper Pedersen

Magnús Jensson

Þorkell Atlason

Ásthildur Ákadóttir

Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir

& Gunnar Grímsson




Composer Gunnar Grímsson has called upon his friends to create memorable moments in time to enjoy with you at Mengi on Thursday, July 27th, 2017.

The house opens at 20:30 and the program starts at 21:00 with tickets at 2000 ISK. You can buy them at the door or through booking@mengi.net.

The program will be quite diverse, ranging from solo pieces to ensemble to audience participation, from free improvisation to graphical scores. For those who want to participate there will be instruments and you are of course also free to bring your own, your phone?

Gunnar Grímsson has been on the edge of Icelandic music culture since 1980 with absolutely no formal releases of any music but with quite a few memorable moments in time. He has an intense focus on enjoying and exploiting the unexpected, the limitations and the possibilities of instruments, people and locations.

His musical kickoff was in the experimental band Jói á Hakanum and since then he has been a member of various bands on diverse instruments (from mass produced to own creations) and is currently an active member of Fengjastrútur, Innblástur! Arkestra and admm. Although mostly self educated in music he did study at the Institute of Sonology in ‘88-’89 with, amongst others, John Cage and Michael Barker.

An early pioneer of musical improvisation in Iceland he co-founded the organisation Spuni which held dozens of open improvisation concerts (Spunakvöld) with dozens participating, from professional musicians to people that had never played music before.

Performers at Mengi on July 27th:

Frank Aarnink

Hafdís Bjarnadóttir

Ingi Garðar Erlendsson

Jesper Pedersen

Magnús Jensson

Þorkell Atlason

Ásthildur Ákadóttir

Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir

& Gunnar Grímsson