
Fiðla / Violin

Einleikstónleikar með fiðluleikaranum Daniel Pioro í Mengi föstudagskvöldið 4. ágúst. Á efnisskrá er tónlist eftir Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber, Johann Sebastian Bach, Valgeir Sigurðsson, Oliver Coates og Edmund Finnis auk þjóðlaga úr ýmsum áttum.

Hefjast klukkan 21. Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:30. Miða á 2000 krónur er hægt að kaupa við innganginn eða panta í gegnum booking@mengi.net



- Biber: Passacaglia

- Finnis: Elsewhere

- Valgeir Sigurðsson: Antigravity

- Þjóðlög frá Hjaltlandseyjum

- Coates: Dark Sky Community

- J.S. Bach: Partíta nr. 2 í d-moll: Allemande / Courante / Sarabande / Gigue / Chaconne

Enski fiðluleikarinn Daniel Pioro hefur á undanförnum árum vakið verðskuldaða athygli sem einleikari, spunatónlistarmaður og sem leiðari hinnar virtu kammersveitar Fibonacci Sequence svo fátt eitt sé nefnt. Á meðal nýlegra einleiksverkefna Pioro má nefna fiðlukonserta Colin Matthews og Thomas Adès ásamt Fílharmóníuhljómsveit BBC, breska ríkisútvarpsins, Sinfonia Concertante eftir Mozart ásamt Orchestra of St. John's Smith Square, Þrefaldan konsert Jonny Greenwood og Concerto Grosso nr. 1 eftir Schnittke ásamt London Contemporary Orchestra.

Daniel Pioro hefur verið ötull flytjandi nýrrar tónlistar, þar á meðal tónlistar Gerald Barry og komið fram með sveitum á borð við London Sinfonietta og London Contemporary Orchestra en hann gegndi leiðarahlutverki í síðarnefndu sveitinni allt til ársins 2015.

Pioro hefur í síauknum mæli einbeitt sér að spunatónlist og komið fram sem spunatónlistarmaður ásamt Ilan Volkov, Yoni Silver, Okkyung Lee og Jonny Greenwood svo nokkur séu nefnd. Nýverið vann hann ásamt skosku kammersveitinni Scottish Ensemble og danshópnum Andersson Dance að nýrri útgáfu á Goldberg-tilbrigðum Bachs fyrir ellefu tónlistarmenn og fimm dansara. Á meðal annarra náinna samstarfsmanna hans má nefna rithöfundinn Michael Morpurgo en það samstarf hefur getið af sér sagnatónlistarhópinn The Storyteller's Ensemble sem hefur á að skipa tónlistarmönnum sem einbeita sér að samruna tónlistar og sagnalistar.

Pioro er staddur hér á landi við upptökur á nýrri plötu sinni ásamt tónlistarmanninum og hljóðmeistaranum Valgeiri Sigurðssyni. Það er okkur sérstök ánægja að taka á móti honum í Mengi.



A concert with English violinist Daniel Pioro at Mengi. Music by Franz von Biber, Johann Sebastian Bach, Edmund Finnis, Valgeir Sigurdsson & Oliver Coates along with folk songs.

Starts at 9pm. House opens at 8:30pm. Tickets (2000 isk) can be bought at the door or through booking@mengi.net


- Biber: Passacaglia

- Finnis: Elsewhere

- Valgeir Sigurðsson: Antigravity

- Folk songs from the Shetland Islands

- Coates: Dark Sky Community

- J.S. Bach: Partita no 2 in d-minor: Allemande / Courante / Sarabande / Gigue / Chaconne

Daniel Pioro is rapidly gaining recognition as one of the most innovative young violinists of his generation. Known as soloist and chamber musician he is the leader of the Fibonacci Sequence, and since 2014 he has been a member of the collective of musicians, CHROMA.

As a soloist he has performed Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante and John Woolrich’s Capriccio for solo violin and strings with the Orchestra of St John’s Smith Square, Jonny Greenwood’s Triple Concerto and Schnittke’s Concerto Grosso No 1 with the London Contemporary Orchestra. Most recently, he performed both Colin Matthews’ and Thomas Adès’ Violin Concertos with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra.

He actively promotes new music, in particular championing the music of Gerald Barry, whose work for solo violin Triorchic Blues he plays regularly in concert, and through collaborations with groups such as the London Sinfonietta and the London Contemporary Orchestra (of which he was leader until 2015).

Daniel Pioro works closely with the acclaimed author Michael Morpurgo, a collaboration that has created The Storyteller’s Ensemble, a group of musicians devoted to the written and spoken word. Putting music to Morpurgo’s book “The Mozart Question” – and performing it with the The Storyteller’s Ensemble across the UK to great acclaim – led to work on “The Best Of Times”, which was performed for the first time in Saffron Hall this season.

A teacher of improvisation at Dartington International Summer School from 2011-2013, the nature of free-music and noise exploration has become increasingly important, and he has improvised on stage with Ilan Volkov, Yoni Silver, Okkyung Lee and Jonny Greenwood amongst others. He recently worked with Andersson Dance and the Scottish Ensemble on a new interpretation of The Goldberg Variations for 11 musicians and 5 dancers, as well as creating a new show, Dim Eyes, which was performed around Sweden in the autumn. Plans include recording “Elsewhere”, a new work for solo violin and reverb by Edmund Finnis, as well as exploring recording techniques and releasing an album with a selection of musicians who Daniel admires.

Daniel Pioro plays on a violin by Christoph Götting.
