
 II / Adam Buffington, Zach Rowden


II fyrir kontrabassa og tónlistarmann

Höfundur: Adam Buffington

Kontrabassi, hljóð & hreyfingar: Zach Rowden

Frumflutningur á Íslandi

Hefst klukkan 21; húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:30

Miða á 2000 krónur er hægt að kaupa við innganginn og panta í gegnum booking@mengi.net

Að flutningi loknum verður boðið upp á samræður við tónskáldið og flytjandann.

Athugið að miði á þessa tónleika gildir einnig á Buffington & Rowden - tónleika Zach Rowden og Adam Buffington í Mengi sunnudagskvöldið 5. ágúst.

Einleiksverkið II, sem er meðal annars innblásið af hugmyndum Christian Wolff, Samuel Beckett, Antoin Artaud og Wandelweiser -hópsins, var samið undir handleiðslu Atla Ingólfssonar í Reykjavík haustið 2016 þegar tónskáldið og saxófónleikarinn Adam Buffington stundaði skiptinám á mastersstigi við Listaháskóla Íslands. Hárnákvæmar hreyfingar kontrabassaleikarans í kringum rýmið og sviðið skipa jafn veigamikinn sess í verkinu og hljóðin sem hann framkallar úr bassanum og rýminu; hér renna myndlist, leikhús og hljóðheimur saman á mjög sérstæðan og áhrifaríkan hátt. Adam Buffington stundar nú doktorsnám við Ohio State University.

"To quote Antonin Artaud, "If our life lacks a constant magic it is because we choose to observe our acts and lose ourselves in consideration of their imagined form and meaning, instead of being impelled by their force." I feel this, more than anything else, has been the driving factor behind the composition of II. The meaning behind every subtle movement and gesture that will occur during the performance is not at all essential to the reception of the work, though the audience is more than welcome to discover possible meanings for themselves. Rather, by simply engaging with the visceral nature of these gestures as they are, and as they happen, I feel the audience will truly experience something new."



Zach Rowden hefur starfað með tónlistarmönnum á borð við Iancu Dumitrescu og Ana-Maria Avram, Robert Black, Matt Sargent, Leila Bordreuil, Lindsey Vickery, Gus Caldwell, Chris Cretella og Sean Ali. Hann hefur komið fram í Cafe Oto í London, Heimathafen Neukölln í Berlín, Real Art Ways í Hartford, í Issue Project Room í New York, í Firehouse 12 í New Haven í heimahúsum víðs vegar um Bandaríkin.



II by Adam Buffington

Zach Rowden - double bass, sounds, movements

At Mengi on Saturday, August 5th at 9pm.

House opens at 8:30 pm. Tickets (2000 isk) at the door or through booking@mengi.net

Tickets for this concert are also valid for Buffington & Rowden concert at Mengi on Sunday, August 6th.

Stemming from the ideas of Christian Wolff, Samuel Beckett, and Antonin Artaud, II is a 60-minute monodrama for solo "bassist", composed for Zach Rowden in Reykjavik during autumn 2016. Following the performance will be a Q&A session with composer and performer.

"To quote Antonin Artaud, "If our life lacks a constant magic it is because we choose to observe our acts and lose ourselves in consideration of their imagined form and meaning, instead of being impelled by their force." I feel this, more than anything else, has been the driving factor behind the composition of II. The meaning behind every subtle movement and gesture that will occur during the performance is not at all essential to the reception of the work, though the audience is more than welcome to discover possible meanings for themselves. Rather, by simply engaging with the visceral nature of these gestures as they are, and as they happen, I feel the audience will truly experience something new."


Adam Buffington is a composer and saxophonist that seeks to explore the experiential effects of glacial physical movement and gesture in combination with quiet, delicate noise and prolonged silences. His work as composer and saxophonist has been presented at such venues as Hartford Art School, Real Art Ways (Hartford), Ely Center of Contemporary Art (New Haven), and Mengi (Reykjavik). He has recently studied at the Iceland Academy of the Arts in Reykjavik under Atli Ingólfsson, and has collaborated with such composers/performers as Zach Rowden, Trevor Saint, Henry Birdsy, Matt Sargent, and Robert Carl.


Zach Rowden deals with the acoustic and performative possibilities of the upright and electric basses. Currently living in New Haven, Connecticut, and Richmond, Virginia. Collaborators and associations include Iancu Dumitrescu & Ana-Maria Nvram (Hyperion Ensemble member/soloist), Michael Foster’s The Ghost, Robert Black, Matt Sargent, Leila Bordreuil, Lindsey Vickery, Gus Caldwell, Chris Cretella, and Sean Ali. He has performed at venues such as Harpa (Reykjavik), Issue Project Room (New York), Firehouse 12 (New Haven), Cafe Oto (London), Heimathafen Neukölln (Berlin), Real Art Ways (Hartford) and living rooms/basements throughout the United States.
