// English below...
Hrund Atladóttir og Kira Kira bjóða í Sumar Sci-fi í Mengi, laugardagskvöldið 10. Ágúst næstkomandi.
Góðhjarta, umlykjandi videó og tónlistaruppifun / leiðsla.
Sérstakur gestur: Bryndís Jakobsdóttir.
2500 kr. inn.
Hrund Atladóttir hefur fengist við mynd og vídjólist árum saman og komið víða við. Hún skapar verk á hreyfingu og notast oft við skjá sem miðil. Verkin umbreytast stundum frá annarri vídd, yfir í þá þriðju og verða að skúlptúrum í raunveruleikanum. Þau geta breyst í sýndarveruleika þar sem áhorfandinn sjálfur verður að skúlptúr sem brúar bilið milli tveggja vídda.
Hrund vinnur með tímann og hvernig hann líður mishratt eftir víddum, hraðast á internetinu en hægast í náttúrunni.
Svo eitthvað sé nefnt hefur hún breytt Kópavogskirkju í mosavaxin álfaminnisvarða og Sportbar Bjarna Fel í kakofónískt kaos. Á laugardaginn mun hún með tónlist Kiru Kiru að leiðarljósi umbreyta Mengi í UNAðslegann Sci-fi náttúruleiðangur.
Í augnarblikinu vinnur hún að sinni fyrstu teiknimynd í fullri lengd sem gerist á Hálendi Íslands framtíðarinnar.
Kira gaf í upphafi sumars út hugleiðsluplötuna “Unu,” sína fimmtu sólóplötu hjá breska útgáfufyrirtækinu Letra Recs sem stofnað var af The Tape Loop Orchestra.
Þremur vikum síðan kom “Motions Like These” út -samstarfsplata hennar og Eskmo á leibeli hans, Ancestor Media í Los Angeles. Hún er nú að vinna í heimildarmynd um Jóhann Jóhannsson ásamt Orra Jónssyni og Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson í samstarfi við Join Motion Pictures.
An immersive video + music experience / good natured meditation trans with Hrund & Kira.
Hrund Atladóttir creates animated works mostly using video as her medium. The work transforms from the second dimension into the third towards sculptural objects and virtual reality. Her subjects have much to do with nature and the different timelines that exist between the natural world and the digital one.
Hrund recently transformed a Church into a moss sculpture using projection mapping and a sportbar into a cacophonian mess.
Next Saturday she will transform Mengi into who knows what using the music of Kira Kira as the guiding light on a Sci-Fi iang nature oriented journey to bliss.
She is currently working on her first animated feature that takes place in the Icelandic highlands of the future.
Kira Kira is Kristin Bjork Kristjansdottir, a composer and music producer from Iceland. She founded Kitchen Motors -A collective based on explorations in music alongside composers Johann Johannsson and Hilmar Jensson in 1999 and comes from a background of mixing art forms and collaborating across medias.
Summer Solstice 2019 saw the release of "Motions Like These," a collab album with LA based film composer and producer ESKMO.
She has 5 solo albums to her name, her most recent being "Una" (2019) -a meditation album and "Alchemy & Friends" (2018) where she celebrates friendship through collaborating with other composers and musicians including Eskmo, Dustin O'halloran, Robot Koch, Hermigervill and Rob Simonsen of Los Angeles based composer collective The Echo Society.
Kira Kira writes music for Daniel Stessen's sci-fi TV series Dream Corp LLC on Adult Swim and has scored and has in the past few years composed for a few features and shorts but the first film she ever scored was in collaboration with Johann Johannsson, an experimental dance short by Dumspiro named "The Unclear Age" (2005) featuring dancers/choreographers Erna Omarsdottir and Damien Jalet.
In 2011 Kira wrote and directed "Grandma Lo-fi" -A hybrid animated music film shot mostly on Super-8 alongside Orri Jonsson and Ingibjorg Birgisdottir. The film won 1st prize at CPH Dox and has been screened in festivals world wide including at SXSW, New York's MoMA and IFFR.
She is now developing a feature documentary about Johann Johannsson alongside Orri Jonsson and David Horgdal Stefansson, produced by Join Motion Pictures.