
 Eric Derr <> Frankie Martin

Tónleikar og kvikmyndasýning í Mengi fimmtudagskvöldið 17. ágúst klukkan 21. Bandaríski slagverksleikarinn Eric Derr flytur Psappha, tímamótaverk gríska tónskáldsins Iannis Xenakis auk eigin tónlistar og bandaríska myndistar- og kvikmyndagerðarkonan Frankie Martin sýnir kvikmynd sína 'We are wild dogs with turquoise fur laughing at full moons'.

Viðburður hefst klukkan 21 og er miðaverð 2000 krónur. Hægt er að kaupa miða við innganginn eða í gegnum booking@mengi.net

Eric Derr hefur verið ötull flytjandi tónlistar 20. og 21. aldarinnar. Hann hefur hvort tveggja frumflutt ný verk sem samin hafa verið sérstaklega fyrir hann auk þess sem hann hefur flutt mörg af lykilverkum 20. aldarinnar fyrir slagverkið. Á meðal tónleika sem hann hefur komið fram á má nefna tónleika í tónleikaröð Fílharmóníusveitar Los Angeles, í Grænu regnhlífaröðinni (Green Umbrella Series), í mándagstónleikaröðinni MEC, í Art & Music tónleikaröð Listasafns Los Angeles (LACMA), í Miller leikhúsinu og á Tune-In tónlistarhátíðinni í New York. Að auki má nefna tónleika á tónlistarhátíðinni SFCMP í San Fransisco, á Ojai tónlistarhátíðinni og á Ojai North! í Berkeley. Hann hefur að auki komið fram með samtímatónlistarhópnum Bang On A Can All-Stars, með International Contemporary Ensemble og með Ensemble Dal Niente í Chicago. Eric er með doktorsgráðu í flutningi nýrrar tónlistar frá Kalliforníuháskóla, San Diego og gegnir nú rannsóknarstöðu við Temple University í Fíladelfí.

Bandaríska listakonan Frankie Martin er búsett í Fíladelfíu. Í Mengi mun hún sýna verk sitt 'We are wild dogs with turquoise fur laughing at full moons'. Kvikmyndin var gerð árið 2013 og á meðal listamanna sem koma við sögu í verkinu er íslenski flautuleikarinn Berglind María Tómasdóttir auk annarra listamanna, tónlistarmanna og tónskálda sem eru í vinahópi Frankie Martin.


A concert / film - screening at Mengi on Thursdy, August 17th at 9pm with US percussionist / composer Eric Derr and US artist Frankie Martin.

Eric Derr will perform Iannis Xenakis' landmark solo percussion composition, Psappha along with presenting his own original electronic composition, inspired by English change-ringing patterns, and the structure of Franz Schubert's song, die Erlkönig. Frankie Martin will present her film 'We are wild dogs with turquoise fur laughing at full moons'.

Tickets: 2000 isk - at the door or through booking@mengi.net.

Eric Derr is committed to commissioning and presenting new, vibrant, sustainable works for percussion as well as revisiting classic pieces with focus and intensity.

Eric has performed in concerts at the LA Philharmonic's Green Umbrella Series, Monday Evening Concerts, and LACMA's Art & Music Series (Los Angeles), Miller Theatre and the Tune-In Festival (New York City), Sweet Thunder: The SFCMP Festival of Electro-Acoustic Music (San Francisco), the Ojai Music Festival, Ojai North! (Berkeley) and alongside celebrated chamber ensembles Bang on a Can All-Stars and eighth blackbird. With the International Contemporary Ensemble, Eric has appeared at the Mostly Mozart Festival, the Park Avenue Armory, and Spectrum (New York City). Eric has also played with Chicago-based Ensemble Dal Niente since 2007 with highlight performances at the Library of Congress and in Residence at Harvard University.

Eric holds a doctorate in contemporary music performance from the University of California, San Diego, and serves on the music theory faculty at Temple University in Philadelphia.

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Frankie Martin is an American artist living in Philadelphia, PA. Frankie's video work radically rethinks social tropes, online identities, relationships and normative behavior. This event will be the international premier of Frankie's first feature length video entitled, We are wild dogs with turquoise fur laughing at full moons. The video was made in 2013 and stars Icelandic flutist Berglind Tómasdóttir among other artists, musicians and composer friends of Frankie. Beyond their acting roles, the artistic work of the cast is featured within the video.


Comedy and art collide in this semi fictional portrait of Frankly, a young sculptor who is seeking to make something of worth. Frankly is part of The Hands of Light, a female art collective, whose unity is disrupted by the screens present in their daily lives. The one person who reaches beyond the screen to Frankly is Shithead, a cross-dressing crust punk who unintentionally threatens her sense of purpose.
