Ife Tolentino & Óskar Guðjónsson
Ife Tolentino er einstakur tónlistarmaður frá Brasilíu, búsettur í London. Hann hóf Íslandsheimsóknir sínar fyrir 17 árum síðan eftir að hann kynntist Óskari Guðjónssyni saxófónleikara. Þeirra vinátta hefur vaxið og samstarf dafnað.
Ife og Óskar hafa lokið við upptökur á sinni annarri plötu sem er væntanleg.
Í kvöld munu þeir halda sérstaka tónleika í Mengi til heiðurs João Gilberto, læriföður og meistara Ife. Lög á borð við Girl from Ipanema, Desafinado (Off Key), One Note Samba og aðrir gimsteinar sem eru íslenskum áheyrendum jafnvel ekki kunn.
Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 21 | Miðaverð er 2.000 krónur.
Ife Tolentino is a Brazilian musician/songwriter/arranger based in London who's been coming to Iceland since 2002.
He has a long partnership with his dear friend and very very special sax player Óskar Gudjónsson.
They have recorded two albums in Iceland. The first one was released in 2012 and the second will be released soon.
They have played many concerts all over the country and this time they will bring to Mengi a special tribute to the inventor of the Bossa Nova acoustic guitar ... The late João Gilberto, Ife's master and mentor.
João Gilberto hasn't composed many songs but, according to Ife, he became partner on every song he performed and even brought to light many forgotten old composers.
It didn't matter if the composition was new or old. His re-readings and interpretation were (are) unique.
Ife and Óskar will perform a few hits such as Girl from Ipanema, Desafinado (Off Key), One Note Samba but not only.
They will also bring some gems not very known to the Icelandic audiences.
Concert starts 21:00 | Tickets 2.000 kr