
New Music for Strings 2018

Hátíðarhaldarar eru sérstaklega ánægðir með af vera með eina tónleika í Mengi. Þar verður fókusinn á einleikstónlist fyrir strengjahljóðfæri en þó fær eitt tríó að fljóta með. Við erum mjög stolt af því að vera með fjögur verk á efnisskránni þar sem strengjaleikarar flytja sína eigin tónlist, en það eru þau Una Sveinbjarnardóttir, Mari Kimura og Borgar Magnason. Einnig verða flutt verk eftir Simon Steen-Andersen, Stephen Gryc, Eivind Buene og Sofia Gubaidulina.

Flytjendur á tónleikunum eru:
Mari Kimura, Una Sveinbjarnardóttir, Gróa Margrét Valdimarsdóttir, og Anne Sophie Andersen, fiðla
Patrick Yim, víóla
Júlía Mogensen, selló
Borgar Magnason, kontrabassi

Nánari upplýsingar á

Doors at 20:30 - Starts 21:00 - Tickets 2.000 ISK


New Music For Strings is the only festival worldwide that primarily explores the space between string players and composers—the space between creation and interpretation in new string music.

The festival rotates between countries, having been held in Denmark in 2016 and the United States in 2017. It now occurs for the first time in Iceland in 2018, back-to-back with this year’s Denmark events.

Among the world-renown artists and scholars in the festival’s current and past events are the Grammy award winning Emerson String Quartet, composer Simon Steen-Andersen, Pulitzer prize winning composer Du Yun, along with faculty from several of the top European and American universities.

The addition of Iceland in 2018 supports the goal of New Music for Strings to enhance collaboration between artists in the Nordic countries and North America.

New Music for Strings is especially pleased to offer a concert in one of Iceland’s most iconic artist-run venues and collaborative spaces, Mengi. With a theme of intimate, soloistic new string music that is perfectly matched to its setting, all pieces except for one (a trio) are written for a single performer.

Within this setting we are proud to present four works in the repertoire where string artists perform their own music: Una Sveinbjarnardóttir, Mari Kimura, and Borgar Magnason. Also performed by Simon Steen-Andersen, Stephen Gryc, Eivind Buene and Sofia Gubaidulina.

Doors at 20:30 - Starts 21:00 - Tickets 2.000 ISK