Útgáfuboð: Influence of buildings on musical tone

Til að fagna útkomu plötunnar „Influence of buildings on musical tone“ (ísl. Áhrif ómrýma á tónlistarlega hugsun), verður blásið til létts útgáfuboðs í Mengi, laugardaginn næsta.

Sýnt verður myndbandsverk Sigurðar Guðjónssonar, myndlistarmanns, „Lágmynd“, sem inniheldur eitt verkanna á plötunni, ásamt því sem boðið verður uppá léttar veitingar og platan seld á sérstöku tilboðsverði.

Allir eru hjartanlega velkomnir! Aðgangur ókeypis.

Um plötuna:
Á plötunni „Influence of buildings on musical tone“ er að finna safn nýlegra kammerverka Þráins Hjálmarssonar, tónskálds, í flutningi fremstu flytjenda samtímatónlistar hér á landi; CAPUT, Nordic Affect, Ensemble Adapter, Íslenska flautukórinn og Kristínu Þóru Haraldsdóttur.

Verkin spanna allt frá hinu íhugula einleiksvóíóluverki, Persona og hinu sveimandi 12 radda flautukórsverki, Grisaille, yfir í hið kraftmikla titilverk plötunnar, Influence of buildings on musical tone. Óð til hljóðvistar hins íslenska torfkofa, þar sem smágerður og fínlegur hljóðheimurinn er innblásinn af þeirri miklu nándartilfnningu sem hljóðvist þessara rýma skapa.

Platan er gefin út af CARRIER Records.


Celebrating the release of the album 'Influence of buildings on musical tone' by Thrainn Hjalmarsson. A short release party will be held at Mengi this Saturday, with screenings of the film 'RELIEF' by visual artist Sigurdur Gudjonsson, which features one of the works on the album. Along with light beverages and the album available at a special offer.

Free admission and everybody welcome!

About the album:
The album 'INFLUENCE OF BUILDINGS ON MUSICAL TONE' is a collection of five recent chamber works by Icelandic composer THRAINN HJALMARSSON, performed by five of Iceland’s most exciting new music performers/ensembles – CAPUT ensemble, Nordic Affect, Ensemble Adapter, Icelandic Flute Ensemble and Kristin Thora Haraldsdottir – five ensembles who are actively redefning what experimental and classical new music is in relation to our modern world.

Ranging from the quiet intimacy of the solo viola in 'PERSONA', the glacial gravitas of the 12- piece flute ensemble of 'GRISAILLE' - to the explosive dynamics of the title track –'INFLUENCE OF BUILDINGS ON MUSICAL TONE' - an homage to the extreme acoustics of traditional Icelandic turf houses.

Hjalmarsson is known for his detailed and finely woven sound world, where the act of listening plays a vital role. Here, the perception of sound is ever transforming, revealing an otherwise obfuscated narrative, unfolding in time.