
Joyfultalk & Mikael Lind

Kanadíska tvíeykið JOYFULTALK (Jay Crocker & Shawn Dicey) kemur fram í fyrsta sinn í Mengi föstudagskvöldið 15. september en á undan þeim stígur á svið tónlistarmaðurinn Mikael Lind.

Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21 og miðaverð er 2000 krónur. Hægt er að panta miða í gegnum booking@mengi.net


Að baki JOYFULTALK stendur kanadíska tónskáldið Jay Crocker sem fékk til liðs við sig samlanda sinn Shawn Dicey eftir að fyrsta breiðskífa JOYFULTALK, MUUIXX (2015) hafði komið út og fengið frábærar viðtökur en meginuppstaðan í hljóðheimi plötunnar eru heimasmíðuð hljóðfæri Jay Crocker. Þeir félagar hafa síðan komið fram vítt og breitt um Kanada á framsæknum lista - og tónlistarhátíðum samhliða tónlistarmönnum og sveitum á borð við Michachu & the Shapes, Ben Frost, Majical Cloudz og fleiri. Nú eru þeir á ferð um Norðurlöndin og koma við á Íslandi eftir að hafa komið fram á Sonic Festival í Danmörku. Ekki missa af frábæru tvíeyki.



Mikael Lind er sænsk-íslenskur raftónlistarmaður sem þekktur er fyrir að halda tónleika sem eru sjaldan hverjir líkir öðrum. Hann gaf út stuttskífuna Intentions and Variations hjá Morr Music í fyrra og sú plata fékk jákvæða dóma bæði hérlendis og erlendis. Arnar Eggert hjá Morgunblaðinu skrifaði meðal annars: „Mikael leikur sér á áhrifaríkan hátt með andstæður, teflir fram blíðu, fallegu flæði (oft leiddu af píanói) en sker svo í það með skítugri hljóðum, hráum og ókennilegum“. Mikael mun í haust gefa út plötu í fullri lengd og er hún en eitt ferðalagið út í heim ambient/noise tónlistar.


JOYFULTALK (CA) along with Mikael Lind (SE/IS) at Mengi on Friday, September 15th at 9pm. Tickets - 2000 ISK - order through booking@mengi.net

JOYFULTALK is the brainchild of Canadian composer Jay Crocker, whose past work has had glowing praise from publications like The New York Times, Globe & Mail, Paris Trans Atlantic, and the BBC. Since the release of JOYFULTALK 's critically-acclaimed debut album, MUUIXX, the project has been augmented by multi-instrumentalist Shawn Dicey. Over the last two years, JOYFULTALK has performed across Canada at avant-garde festivals and clubs alongside such acts as Micachu & the Shapes, Ben Frost, and Majical Cloudz performing their compositions of wordless rivers, analogue tongue, and glitching fields of electric grass using a junked vocabulary of home-built electronics.


Mikael Lind is Swedish composer of electronic and classical music, born 1981, based in Iceland. The electronic side of the music is yet the most developed, but the music also drifts towards folk and classical music. Released the mp3 album ‘After summer comes fall’ for free on the net label Electronical in 2004. The album ‘Alltihop’ was released in early spring 2009 and distributed by Kimi records in Iceland. It recieved 5/5 in Iceland’s daily newspaper Morgunblaðið and 4/5 in the online edition of Swedish music magazine Groove. A new album was released in May 2012 called ‘Felines everywhere’, a smorgasbord of electronic landscapes with several accompanying acoustic instruments such as violins, pianos and bells.

Lately, Mikael’s music has been drifting in two directions; one being a more folktronica approach with violins, pianos and vocals, and the other being compositions more concerned with form and sound sculpturing. The album Unsettled Beings, released 2013 on Time Released Sound, is a case of the former direction. It features Paul Evans on violin and Ryan Karazija from Low Roar on vocals, and was mastered by Alex Somers. His recent ambient works for the net label Post Global is an example of the latter. A new five-track EP of experimental ambient called Intentions and Variations was released by the label Morr Music in 2016 to great reviews. He will release a new album later this year.
