Sonic Collisions | Hazal Elif Yalvaç & Daniele Girolamo
"Sonic Collisions" will be the fusion of sound textures by Elif and Daniele, two musicians and fellows who met in Reykjavik and decided to record a live session together, experimenting with sounds playing guitars, a tape machine and modular synths.
Hazal Elif Yalvaç composes electronic music, designs sounds, plays guitars and sings. Fascinated by sound and music from an early age, she studied Sonic Arts (MA) at Istanbul Technical University (MIAM) where she researched Chiptune's limitations and sonic aesthetics, with a focus on audio programming and music theory/history, alongside her interests in environmental sound recording and guitar. Her debut EP entitled CloudScapes was self-released in July 2016, and mainly features ambient music, Eliane Radigue-inspired drones, and microsound techniques. In addition to her live electronics and fixed media performances, Elif has performed in Turkey, Netherlands and at UK festivals including EppyFest and Secret Garden Party, and most recently in Nordic countries. Her album L’appel du Vide was released on November 7th 2018 by Curated Doom.
Daniele Girolamo is an Italian artist and musician, based in Reykjavik, Iceland. He started early playing classic guitar in the Conservatory school in Italy and continuing with electric guitar, cello and synthesizers. After many years of research on his original sound he devoted himself to the composition of soundscapes; He defines his music as “dreamscapes”.
Currently mastering at Tónver Tónlistarskóla Kópavogs in sound recording and electronic music.
His process is based on temporally stretched experimental sonic structures on which he improvises with various instruments. Recently he has released a new album " Part No Part" with the collaboration of Guðmundur Arnalds. It is an experimental ambient music and soundscapes album . He has performed in numerous events in Iceland (Physical Cinema Festival, Flóóð, lowercase) and is also is member of Instance project. He is currently working on a new solo album.
Doors 20:30 | Concert starts 21:00 | Tickets 2.000 kr.
Sonic Collisions verður samsuða af hljóðum eftir Daniele og Elif, sem kynntust í Reykjavík og ákváðu fljótlega að taka upp saman. Þau blanda saman gítar, tape vélum og módúlar synthum.
Hazal Elif Yalvaç semur raftónlist, hannar hljóð, spilar á gítar og sngur. Árið 2016 gaf hún út sína fyrstu EP plötu Cloudscapes og hefur síðan komið fram víðsvegar um heiminn. Daniele Girolamo er ítalskur gítarleikari sem starfar á Íslandi og hefur skapað sinn eigin sérstaka stíl af tónlist.
Húsið opnar 20:30 | Tónleikar hefjast 21:00 | Miðaverð 2.000 kr.