Paal Nilssen-Love & Ken Vandermark
Paal Nilssen-Love and Ken Vandermark will perform together Tuesday 18th September at Mengi.
Doors at 20:30 - Tickets are 2.000 kr.
The high impact duo of Paal Nilssen-Love (drums) and Ken Vandermark (reeds) has been working together at an accelerated rate since 2002, and they have put out seven albums of exceptional and wide ranging improvised music since then. Though they have both worked in many critically acclaimed groups- from the Peter Brötzmann Chicago Tentet, Lean Left (with Terrie Hessels and Andy Moor of The Ex) to Double Tandem (with Dutch saxophonist, Ab Baars)- they have continued to return to their duo for more than a dozen years because it remains crucial to their creative output.
Nilssen-Love and Vandermark began this collaboration when they recorded their initial album, Dual Pleasure, for the label smalltownsupersound. Shortly afterward, they performed their first concert at the Molde International Jazz Festival. Since then, they've performed on an international basis every year- in Europe, North America, and Japan. Their approach to the duo context is ferocious in its intensity, combining extreme rhythmic velocity with formal deconstruction and re-assembly, and a freedom to use any genre at anytime. In many ways, Nilssen-Love and Vandermark are more open in this setting than in any of their other playing situations, creating a unique approach to improvised music that is riveting for both its ideas and execution.
The duo has released a total of 9 albums. The Norwegian label Smalltown Supersound released the first 6 albums and since then they've released their music on their own labels, Audiographic and PNL records.
"In the work of some artists there is an opus magnum, referring to the largest, and perhaps the best, greatest, or most renowned achievement of their art, often (but not necessarily) a late work in which they condense their mastership. Some examples might be Beethoven’s Symphony Nr. 9, John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme, David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time or Rembrandt’s The Night Watch. Extended Duos, the latest release from Ken Vandermark (reeds) and Paal Nilssen-Love (drums), who have been working together since 2002 and who have put out seven albums of the most excellent improvised music in the reeds/drums duo genre (for example Milwaukee Volume or the recently reviewed Lightning over Water), is such an opus magnum."
-Martin Schray (Free Jazz Blog), December 27, 2014
This concert was made possible with the support of PULS - Nordisk Kultur Fond.
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Paal Nilssen-Love (trommur og slagverk) og Ken Vandermark (blásturshljóðfæri) munu spila saman þriðjudaginn 18. september í Mengi.
Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 - Miðaverð er 2.000 kr.
Dúóið hefur starfað saman frá því um 2002 og sífellt unnið að fleiri verkefnum saman í gegnum árin. Þeir hafa frá því tímabili gefið út 7 vel heppnaðar plötur sem einkennast einna helst af spuna. Þrátt fyrir að hafa báðir leikið með merkilegum sveitum - á borð við Peter Brötzmann Chicago Tentet, Lean Left og Double Tandem - hafa þeir samt haldið þessu samstarfi sínu við og telja það mikilvægt fyrir tónlistarsköpun sína.
Nilssen-Love og Vandermark hófu þetta samstarf þegar þeir tóku upp fyrstu plötu sína, Dual Pleasure, fyrir útgáfufyrirtækið smalltownsupersound. Stuttu eftir það spiluðu þeir fyrstu tónleika sína á tónlistarhátíðinni Molde International Jazz Festival. Síðan þá hafa þeir spilað víðsvegar um heiminn á ári hverju. Tónlistarleg nálgun þeirra einkennist einna helst af miklum krafti, tónlistin er byggð upp af þéttum töktum en er samtímis sundrað og raðað aftur saman, við þessu iðju leyfa þeir sér sér að nýta nánast hvaða tónlistarstefnu sem er. Það má því segja að tónlistarmennirnir séu opnari og frjálsari við þessa spunakenndu tónsmíði en í öðrum verkefnum sem þeir hafa fengist við, þar sem þeir hafa skapað einstaka nálgun á spunatónlist sem er grípandi hvað varðar hugmyndir sínar og framkvæmd.
Dúóið hefur gefið út samtals 9 plötur. Fyrstu 6 komu út á hjá norska plötufyrirtækinu Smalltown Supersound en síðan þá hafa þeir gefið tónlist sína út hjá eigin útgáfum, Audiographic og PNL Records.
Þessir tónleikar eru hluti af tónleikaröð Mengis í samstarfi við Puls - Nordisk Kultur Fond.