Jo Berger Myhre & Ólafur Björn Ólafsson
Jo Berger Myhre og Ólafur Björn Ólafsson í Mengi þann 10. október kl 21:00
Útgáfutónleikar Jo Berger Myhre og Ólafs Björns Ólafssonar í Mengi þar sem þeir leika efni af nýrri plötu sinni “Lanzarote” sem kemur út hjá norska útgáfuryrirtækinu Hubromusic.
Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 | Miðaverð: 2.500 kr.
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Jo Berger Myhre and Ólafur Björn Ólafsson play a release concert in Mengi for their album “Lanzarote” which is out on Hubromusic.
Doors at 8:30pm | Starts 9pm | Tickets 2.500 kr.
“Following on from the Norway/Iceland duo’s startlingly assured debut, ‘The Third Script’ (Hubro, 2017), Jo Berger Myhre and Ólafur Björn Ólafsson’s new album, ‘Lanzarote’, represents a quantum leap forward. By the end of the relatively modest but incident-packed 32-minute duration, the listener may require substantial time for reflection. As good as the debut recording is, ‘Lanzarote’ goes much, much deeper, with an emotional reach to the music that is immensely affecting.”