COW #2 / Christian Wolff
Christian Wolff í brennidepli á tónleikum í tónleikaröðinni COW miðvikudagskvöldið 11. október klukkan 21. Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:30
Miðaverð: 2000 krónur. Hægt er að panta miða í gegnum eða kaupa miða við innganginn.
Tónleikarnir eru haldnir í samstarfi við Listaháskóla Íslands þar sem þeir eru liður í námskeiðinu Flytjandinn/tónskáldið sem kennt er við tónlistardeild skólans.
Tónleikaröðin COW samanstendur af þrennum tónleikum sem fara fram á haustmisseri 2017 í Mengi. Á tónleikunum verður flutt tónlist eftir bandarísku tónskáldin John Cage, Pauline Oliveros og Christian Wolff. Þau eru meðal áhrifamestu tónskálda síðust áratuga og hafa, hvert með sínum hætti, stuðlað að breyttum viðhorfum til sköpunar og flutnings vestrænnar tónlistar.
Riðið var á vaðið með tónlist eftir Pauline Oliveros þann 13. september síðastliðinn, og lýkur röðinni 6. desember með tónlist eftir John Cage en þann 11. október verður flutt tónlist eftir Christian Wolff.
Christian Wolff (f. 1934) er yngstur þeirra tónskálda sem teljast til New York skólans í tónlist en í þeim félagsskap voru, auk Wolff, tónskáldin Earle Brown, Morton Feldman og John Cage. Wolff lærði tónlist stuttlega hjá þeim síðastnefnda en er að mestu sjálfmenntaður í tónlist. Hann stundaði nám í fornfræði við Harvard háskóla hvar hann síðar kenndi og enn síðar við Dartmouth háskóla þar sem hann kenndi fornfræði, bókmenntir og tónlist til aldamóta síðustu. Höfundaverk Wolff er fjölbreytt og spannar tugi verka sem mörg hver voru sett fram í pólitísku samhengi og kanna oftar en ekki mörk hlustanda, höfundar og flytjanda.
Christian Wolff: Verk úr Prose Collection nema Burdocks:
Christian Wolff: Stones
Frederic Rzweski: The People United Will Never Be Defeated
Þema og tilbrigði
Christian Wolff: Song
Frederic Rzweski: The People United Will Never Be Defeated
Tvö tilbrigði
Christian Wolff: Looking North
Frederic Rzweski: The People United Will Never Be Defeated
Tvö tilbrigði
Christian Wolff: Crazy Made Love
Frederic Rzweski: The People United Will Never Be Defeated
Fjögur tilbrigði
Christian Wolff: Burdocks
Verkið The People United Will Never Be Defeated eftir góðvin Wolff, Frederic Rzweski, hljómar inn á milli annarra verka á tónleikunum í flutningi Mathias Halvorsen píanista. (Variation 5, 9, 11, 28-29, 13- 14, 15, 31.)
Flytjendur á tónleikunum 11. október:
Berglind Tómasdóttir, Erik DeLuca, Mathias Halvorsen, Erla Rut Káradóttir, Hilma Kristín Sveinsdóttir, Ingibjörg Elsa Turchi, Magni Freyr Þórisson, María Sól Ingólfsdóttir, Olesja Kozlovska, Telo Hoy og Örn Erling Árnason.
Listræn stjórnun COW #2: Berglind María Tómasdóttir ásamt Erik DeLuca
Tónleikaröðin er styrkt af Tónlistarsjóði.
Concert with music by Christian Wolff in Mengi, Wednesday, October 11th at 9pm. House opens at 8:30 pm. Tickets: 2000 ISK. Book through or pay at the entrance.
The concert is in collaboration with the Iceland Academy of the Arts with students from the course the Performer/the Composer participating.
COW concert series consists of three concerts that will take place in Mengi in Fall 2017. The concerts include music by American composers John Cage, Pauline Oliveros and Christian Wolff who all are pioneers within experimental music and have generated new ways of approaches and performance practices within western music.
December 6 will be dedicated to the music of John Cage, October 11 to Christian Wolff and September 13 is dedicated to Pauline Oliveros.
Christian Wolff (b. 1934) studied piano with Grete Sultan, composition (briefly) with John Cage. Mostly autodidact, but early contact with Cage, Morton Feldman, David Tudor and Earle Brown, later Cornelius Cardew and Frederic Rzewski has helped form the direction of his work. Academic training in Classics and Comparative Literature at Harvard University. Has taught Classics at Harvard and, since 1971, Classics, Comparative Literature and Music at Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire).
Compositions include works for piano(s), miscellaneous keyboards, instrumental solos, chamber groups, unspecified groups of players and sound sources, tape, chorus and orchestra.
A particular interest in Wolff's work has been to allow performers flexibility and ranges of freedom at the actual time of a piece's performance; to devise notations to make this practicable; to foster among both professional and lay players a spirit of liberating interdependence; and to draw material from traditions of popular political music.
Wolff's music has been performed throughout the world, especially in Europe and the U.S. A number of pieces have been used by Merce Cunningham and his dance company; also the dancer Lucinda Childs.
Christian Wolff has performed as an improviser with Takehisa Kosugi, Steve Lacy, Christian Marclay, Kui Dong and Larry Polansky.
Award from the American Academy and National Institute for Arts and Letters (1975); DAAD, Berlin (1974); Asian Cultural Council Grant (1987); John Cage award for music (1996); member of the Akademie der Kuenste, Berlin (1999).
Christian Wolff: From Prose Collection:
Christian Wolff: Stones
Frederic Rzweski: The People United Will Never Be Defeated
Theme and variation
Christian Wolff: Song
Frederic Rzweski: The People United Will Never Be Defeated
Two Variations
Christian Wolff: Looking North
Frederic Rzweski: The People United Will Never Be Defeated
Two Variations
Christian Wolff: Crazy Made Love
Frederic Rzweski: The People United Will Never Be Defeated
Four Variations
Christian Wolff: Burdocks
In between pieces excerpts from The People United Will Never Be Defeated by Wolff's friend and collaborator Frederic Rzweski will be performed by Mathias Halvorsen. (Variation 5, 9, 11, 28-29, 13- 14, 15, 31.)
Performers October 13
Berglind Tómasdóttir, Erik DeLuca, Mathias Halvorsen, Erla Rut Káradóttir, Hilma Kristín Sveinsdóttir, Ingibjörg Elsa Turchi, Magni Freyr Þórisson, María Sól Ingólfsdóttir, Olesja Kozlovska, Telo Hoy and Örn Erling Árnason.
Curator of COW #2: Berglind Tómasdóttir & Erik DeLuca.
COW Concert Series is supported by the Icelandic Music Fund