Hliðardagskrá Mengis 2 / Mengi Off-Venue 2
Hliðardagskrá Mengis á meðan á Iceland Airwaves hátíðinni stendur.
Allir velkomnir og aðgangur ókeypis.
Dagskráin fimmtudaginn 2. nóvember:
Klukkan16: Mikko Joensuu
Klukkan 17: Madonna + Child
Klukkan 18: Nini Julia Bang
Klukkan 19: Nicolas Kunysz
Litlar djöflasystur. Báðar Madonna. Báðar Child. Það hefur enginn hugmynd um hvaðan eða hvenær þær komu, þær voru bara allt í einu hér umkringdar dularfullum leyndarmálum og galdrakanínum. Því er mikilvægt að vara sig á Madonna + Child því það veit enginn hverjar þær eru þó eru þær allstaðar í kringum okkur. Madonna + Child syngja um varasamar verur, kisur og dauðalestir. Líka um allskonar annað. Madonna + Child spila furðulegadraugalegateknótölvubít undir dularfullum og myrkum píanótónum. Madonna + Child spila líka á bjöllur.
M+C 4ever.
Belgíski listamaðurinn Nicolas Kunysz er búsettur í Reykjavík og starfar sem hönnuður, tónlistarmaður og listrænn stjórnandi. Hann er einn af stofnendum útgáfunnar Lady Boy Records - stjórnar Lowercase Nights og er meðlimur í sveitinni Pyrodulia.
Heillandi, sveimkenndur hljóðheimur Nicolas fléttast úr vettvangshljóðritunum héðan og þaðan, rafhljóðum, ólíkum hljóðfærum, þetta er margradda og þéttofinn hljóðvefur sem spannar mikla breidd, lágtíðni og fíngerð blæbrigði, ærandi drunur og allt þar á milli.
Mengi hosts an exciting program during Iceland Airwaves festival 2017. Free entrance and everybody welcome.
Thursday, November 2nd:
5pm: Madonna + Child
6pm: Nini Julia Bang
7pm: Nicolas Kunysz
In his home country, reviews of the “snow-white pure” Amen 1 pointed to its intimacy and minimalism. Amen 2 was “moving toward the light” with “more life-affirming lyrics” than Amen 1. On Amen 3, Mikko explains that “the harmonic features of Amen 1 and the popiness of Amen 2 swim into another world where I forgot the usual ways I write songs. The songs live in a bigger world where I did not analyse what happened. Amen 3 is more free.” “These are personal albums,” reveals Mikko, explaining his inspirations. “Personal emotions run through these albums. One main thing is depression, the darkness that people sometimes go through. The other thing is the religious aspect of my life. I was raised in a Pentecostal Christian home and surroundings. I grew up to be the person I am through that and I had to ask what is the concept of God, and how we ease our pain finding places which comfort us. These were big themes. Yet I didn’t think about them when I was writing the songs and didn’t specifically want to write songs about them. Then, in 2013, I realised these were the themes: when I say goodbye to the depression, my dilemmas with the idea of God and giving up on the idea that there actually is one.” Amen 1 was released in August 2016. Amen 2 followed in October 2017. Amen 3 released June 2nd 2017.
Madonna + Child
Small demon sisters. Both Madonna. Both Child. No one has any idea where or when they arrived, they were just suddenly here surrounded by mysterious secrets and magic rabbits. Also all kinds of other things.
Nini Julia Bang
Nini is a performer, singer and traditional music curator in the performance “of Light” directed by Samantha Shay with the American theatre company 'Source Material Collective', under the mentorship of Marina Abramovic.
She is the solo performer of “Hamlet Private” directed by Martina Marti and premiered in 2013 in collaboration with Danish performance collective Secret Hotel.
Nini holds a degree in classical singing from the Church Music School of Denmark. She has trained and researched extensively in multiple branches of world music singing, and she has private voice students, collaborates with music bands from various genres and frequently leads her workshop "Embodied Voice". Her deep interest in the human voice has led her on various expeditions as far as India, Tuva, Iceland, Corsica and Georgia. She holds a Bachelor in Folk and World Music with focus on Persian Singing from the Music Academy of Malmö, Sweden.
Nicolas Kunysz
Nicolas Kunysz'music takes place in the realm of electro acoustic, experimental, warm ambient drone. He combines lo and hi fi techniques to create his soundscapes, accidental recordings and glitches participate to the multi layering process of making his tracks. Textures generated by both instruments and field recordings build up flowing soundscapes that keeps on building up and collapsing. From ambient to noise, passing by drone, lowercase and discreet music.