
Elif Yalvaç

Tyrkneska raftónlistarkonan og tónskáldið Elif Yalvaç mun halda sína aðra tónleika á Ísandi í kjölfar nýrrar plötu hennar, L'appel du Vide, sem kom út á hjá plötufyrirtækinu Curated Doom.

Hazal Elif Yalvaç semur raftónlist, hannar hljóð og spilar á strengjahljóðfæri. Hún hefur verið heilluð of hljóði og tónlist frá unga aldri og öðlaðist meistaragráðu í hljóðlist (Sonic Arts) við Tækniháskólann í Istanbúl árið 2015. Við námið lagði hún áherslu á hljóðforritun, tónfræði og -sögu, auk þess sem hún hefur áhuga á chiptune tónlist, umhverfishljóðum og gítar.

Hún sá sjálf um útgáfu fyrstu EP plötu sinnar, CloudScapes, sem kom út í júlí 2016. Platan inniheldur ambient tónlist sem innleiðir alls kyns spennandi aðferðir. Elif hefur komið fram í Tyrklandi, Hollandi, Finnlandi, Bretlandi (meðal annars sem hluti af hátíðunum EppyFest og Secret Garden Party), Noregi og Íslandi.

Platan L'appel du Vide kemur út 7. nóvember hjá Curated Doom.

Tónleikarnir í Mengi hefjast kl 21.00 - Miðaverð er 2.000 kr.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/hazalelif

Bandcamp: http://hazalelif.bandcamp.com

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Turkish electronic music composer Elif Yalvaç will be in Iceland for her second concert, following the release of her ambient album, L'appel du Vide, by London-based label Curated Doom. She will introduce this new release and feature a live electronics set of musique concrète, ambient, drone and noise.

Hazal Elif Yalvaç composes electronic music, designs sounds, plays guitars and sings. Fascinated by sound and music from an early age, she began studying Sonic Arts (MA) at Istanbul Technical University (MIAM) in 2015, where she focuses on audio programming and music theory/history, alongside her interests in environmental sound recording, guitar and chiptunes.

Her debut EP entitled CloudScapes was self-released in July 2016, and mainly features ambient music, Eliane Radigue-inspired drones, and microsound techniques. In addition to her live electronics and fixed media performances, Elif has performed in Turkey, the Netherlands, Finland, at UK festivals including EppyFest

and Secret Garden Party, and most recently in Iceland and Norway.

Her new album L'appel du Vide will be released on November 7th 2018 by Curated Doom.

The concert at Mengi starts at 21.00 - Tickets are 2.000 kr.

Elif Yalvaç’s new album announcement L’appel du Vide: https://www.curateddoom.com/elif-


Elif Yalvaç’s recent interview featured with the album release announcement (October 2018):


Soundcloud page: https://soundcloud.com/hazalelif

Bandcamp page: http://hazalelif.bandcamp.com