
Kristín Anna

Tónleikar með Kristínu Önnu í Mengi sunnudaginn 19. nóvember klukkan 21. Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:30

Miðaverð er 2500 krónur. Bókið miða í gegnum booking@mengi.net eða kaupið við innganginn.


Kristín Anna hefur starfað með stórum hópi tónlistarmanna úr ýmsum áttum auk þess að sinna sólóverkefnum. Á meðal samstarfsmanna má nefna hljómsveitina múm, Animal Collective, Mice Parade, Skúla Sverrisson, Gyðu Valtýsdóttur og Ragnar Kjartansson en Kristín hefur komið fram í fjölmörgum gjörningum hans. Árið 2015 sendi Kristín Anna frá sér raddlistaplötuna Howl sem gefin var út af Bel-Air Glamour Records og nú vinnur hún að vínilplötunni I Must Be The Devil sem hefur að geyma tónlist Kristínar fyrir söngrödd og píanó. Kristín hefur komið fram á tónleikum um allan heim, margoft í Mengi. Á þessum tónleikum flytur hún eigin tónlist fyrir söngrödd, píanó og gítar.


Kristín Anna (Kría Brekkan) at Mengi on Sunday, November 19th at 9pm. House opens at 8:30 pm. Tickets: 2500 ISK. Book tickets through booking@mengi.net or buy tickets at the door.

Kristín Anna was a member of the band múm 1998 – 2006. As Kría Brekkan she used to perform one-woman shows and put out off-the-radar releases between 2006 – 2015.

In 2015 Kristín Anna released a double LP of improvised vocal performances done in a week-long residency in the desert of California titled Howl. Howl came out on Bel-Air Glamour Records, a young sub-label to London’s Vinyl Factory curated by visual artist Ragnar Kjartansson and Ingibjörg Sigurjónsdóttir.

A frequent collaborator of Ragnar, she stars in his famed video installation “The Visitors” playing accordion, guitar and singing. She acts or plays in many of his other pieces as well as occasionally writing and performing music with him.

Kristín Anna co-wrote and performed the music for Kjartansson’s stage art piece “Forever Love” with her twin sister Gyða Valtýsdóttir and the Dessner twin brothers of The National. They performed a few of the songs from the piece in the Barbican Theatre at a Bel-Air Glamour Soirée that coincided with Kjartansson’s retrospective at the Barbican Art Center. She also performed a few of her own songs on a grand piano and sang to rave reviews.